Chapter 5: Welcome to the Scouts

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~Time skip 1 week~

First thing in the morning, you hear orders calling for your gear to be inspected. Heaving your body off the bed, you wash up, get dressed and assemble your gear. The MPS have gathered in the auditorium as a part of their investigation, apparently someone killed titan subjects that were captured for experimentation. Why they're looking for the culprit amongst the Cadets is beyond your comprehension, but it's too early to care.
Today, you get to pick which regiment to join, and you're excited for the celebrations promised at the end of the week. Everyone has been in a slump lately, consumed by their grief. This week hasn't been easy for you either, but you took every opportunity to distract yourself to the point of exhaustion. While the others wallowed in self pity you took it upon yourself to become better, training harder than ever for your next mission. You wanna make it on the special forces squad, where Eren is rumored to be. You can't blame them though, they're younger than you and this is the first time a lot of them have experienced loss.

After the inspection, you're dismissed to your rooms to pack your belongings, as tonight you'll leave to your regiment HQ. You're too excited to eat lunch so you spend the afternoon training. After your shower, you meet the remaining cadets in the courtyard, waiting to enlist in your regiment, and strike up a lively conversation with Sasha and Conny. They seem to have gotten their spirit back, although you can tell something is eating Conny up. The three of you are obnoxiously joking around while the rest of the team listens, sharing a giggle here and there at your antics. Jean approaches you and informs us that he too, plans to join the scouts. The setting sun embellishes the atmosphere with a golden hue

"Cadets! Fall in! Head over to the platform! Time to make your choice! Move it!" A soldier shouted

Gathered on the platform, Commander Erwin greets us. He's an incredible force, towering over the 104th training corps proudly. He continues with his speech, suggesting that Eren has a way to learn more about the Titans at his former home in Shiganshina. He details our next expedition to find the secrets his cellar holds. Well, that was a heavy load to drop on us now.
You glance over to Noah, who remains focused on Erwin, explaining the recon mission outside the walls where recruits among our ranks will be expected to take part.

"Now having heard this, whoever still wishes to put their life on the line and join us, remain here. But first ask yourself, can you give your heart? Can you give everything for humanity? That is all. Those wanting to join other regiments will be dismissed."

Your comrades begin to turn around and walk past you as you plant your feet into the ground and remain firm. You feel Noah's eyes on you and look his way, his sad eyes telling you 'goodbye'. You feel your breath quicken, but give him a solid smile, trying to hold back the sadness you feel at finally being separated.
And just like that, he's gone.
Soldiers flood past you, but you stand firm, holding eye contact with your new commander. The crowd clears and he raises the question.

"I ask you, if you were ordered to die, could you do it?"

Well.. when he puts it like that..

"You who stayed, you're with us. Allow me to welcome you to the Scout Regiment. This is a genuine salute, soldiers! Together, we give our hearts!"

In unison, the remaining cadets salute.  You look around, smile wide and hug your comrades. They're shaken up and you offer them your support. You're lead to the wagons and sent off to the Scouts HQ.

You climb on and are pleased to see you share the wagon with your friends, Sasha, Conny, Jean, Reiner, Bertholdt, Ymir and Christa. Although the ride would be smoother without Ymir. You snuggle up next to Sasha and while Jean takes the seat next to you. Across from you sit Bertholdt, Reiner, Christa and Ymir. You can tell Christa is enjoying being squished between Ymir and Reiner. Ymir must be able to tell too, and quickly gets up to move her into the corner and takes her place, now sitting next between Christa and Reiner.
This is gunna be an interesting ride. Reiner tries to break up the tension by asking everyone what lead them to make their decision. When it gets to your turn you say

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