Chapter 28: When Push Comes to Shove

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"(Y/N). We're here." Noah shakes his shoulders, waking you up. He steps down off of his horse, and extends his arms forward. You rub your eyes and look around as they adjust to the darkness. You take a big breath and a yawn escapes before you take his hands and hop off his horse.

"Straight ahead is the back entrance into your kitchen. Are you sure you'll be okay?" Noah straightens you up to look in your half closed eyes

"Yes, Noah, I'm fine."

"Listen, if you run into anyway, sleep walk. That's the best way— also hide that knife. Put it under your pants."

"Huh?" You look down at the knife strapped to your leg.

"I can take it for you for now if—"

You cut him off "no it's fine."
You begin pulling your loose pants up over the strap and toss it back over the knife, successfully covering it.

"See? It's gone." You smile at him.
He steps in to give you a big hug before reminding you to check your mail and to, once again, be careful not to be seen. You reassure him you'll be fine but deep down, the thought of Levi having his tea at this hour is in the back of your mind. Approaching the kitchen silently, you decide to check for any light coming from the windows. Luckily, it appears to be dark. Chances are, Levi is with the commander. You approach the kitchen door and gently turn the knob but it won't move. Damnit, someone.. Levi was down here. That fucker locked the door. You clench your jaw as you realize Noah might be right, maybe going through your window is the best option. You make your way around the building to where the dorms are and locate your room. Luckily there are fire escapes but you can't reach them from the ground, the ladder is up. They're made for escaping, not climbing into the building. You glance around trying to find something, anything to get back inside with. You notice the railing by a side entrance. It's possible to try and climb onto the roof of that by climbing on the light fixture but then what? The second floor on this side is the boys dorms, who knows who'll hear you? And how will you make it all the way over to your room window? Your thoughts are interrupted by a howl in the distance, adding to your anxiety and pushing you to act quickly. You walk over to the rail and climb on top of it, stepping on the light fixture and using the momentum to haul yourself onto the edge of the entryway roof. Catching your breath, the agonizing pain of your injuries return and you lay on the roof as you struggle to inhale, unable to move your sore muscles. Your head begins to pound as the ache returns, rendering your body useless for now. What if you can't get inside? What's going to happen if you get found like this?
The last time you spoke with Hange and Levi, they brought up everything you've done to break their trust, and somehow you managed to smooth it over each time. If anyone finds you like this, you're screwed, what would you even say?
They won't, they can't, you won't let it happen. You clench your jaw and drag your body to the high point and haul yourself up. It takes every ounce of strength you have left to push through the pain, but you manage to find some footing so you can scale yourself across the wall to where you see an open window in the boys lobby. You muster up the last bit of your strength and get a good grip, using the window sills above for your hands and the outdoor paneling for your footing and hold your breath, making your way towards that open window. You wince in pain as your body stretches out past it's limits, feeling like daggers are piercing through your back with every move you make. You have no choice but to push on.
As you pass the rooms, you can hear the sounds of the boys snoring loudly, deep and happily in their sleep. If only you were asleep in your bed right now, that would mean everything. You're under a window that's open all the way, and try your hardest not to make any sound but your footing slips as the dew on the building begins to form. A whimper escapes your mouth as you struggle to regain solid footing and you hear a grunt and sheets ruffling above you. Oh crap, he heard you. Hopefully whoever it is doesn't check the window. Your leg struggles below you, unable to grip the exterior paneling and your upper body strength depletes rapidly when you hear footsteps begin to approach.

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