Chapter 32: Erwin's Plan

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Levi helped you back to your room, you're now snuggled in your bed with a hot cup of tea at your side.

After a nap, you're starting to feel a bit better. You had almost forgotten what it was like to take in a big deep breath, I guess over the past week you've just gotten used to breathing this way.
The pain meds are doing their thing, it still hurts but it's tolerable. You didn't want him to leave, but Levi had a lot of work to get finished, he did say he'd come in and check on you before bed.
You fall asleep after taking your medicine and wake up to a knock on the door.

"Come in." You mumble as Sasha walks in with some water and bowl of rice with a steamed potato for you.

"I'm tired of eating soup and rice. All week it's been either soup or rice, soup or rice. I'm waiting for the day where we have meat again."
Her eyes twinkle as the word meat leaves her mouth.

You slowly prop yourself up and take your medication before accepting the food.
She sits at the chair on your desk, across from your bed.

"So, I was able to go to the market today! Looks like we're on for Friday! I got some sugar and vanilla, I can't believe I was able to find both! I spent my whole weeks earnings on it, but that's what Wilhelm told me we needed."

"Oh wow, that's great. I can't wait to see you all again. Hopefully by then I'll be able to get around a bit easier."

"How long are you on bed rest for?"

"Apparently a week, but I don't see that happening."

"A week?!"

"Yeah. A whole week."

"Well, Jean wanted to come up and see you. I told him I'd ask if that were okay."

"Yeah, that's fine. Hey, how did you guys find out that I'm, I'm all like this?"

"Well, everyone was waiting for you at training and on our way walking back to HQ for lunch, we saw the doctor arrive. We knew it had to be bad."


"What happened by the way? If you don't mind me asking."

"They had to rebreak and move my ribs. It was awful. Don't ever break your ribs Sasha. I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy."

Her eyes widened as you chewed your food.

"So how long will this all take to heal?"

"About a month."

"Holy Sina, bless you, (Y/N)."

"I'll be moving around soon enough. I can't let myself go too much."

The two of you engage in small talk as you finish your meal and Sasha takes the plate for you and soon enough, there's another knock at your door.

"Come in."

Jean walks in and takes the same seat Sasha had just been in.

"Hey (Y/N), feelin any better yet?"

"Yeah, a little. How was training today?"

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