chapter 56

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Ok just a small note. This chapter does deal with the effects of abuse. There is mention of eating disorder devolping.

Rafael was concerned for all his children except Lorenzo and Leo, his two eldest sons were concerned about their younger siblings.

Lorenzo was facing a dilemma though, he wanted to tell their dad that the triplets had been abused. But he promised them time and with everything that happened, he didn't think they were emotionally stable enough.

What no one knew was Rafael already knew. He didn't know specifics but from their behaviour he figured out they were abused. He didn't bother with a trip to the hospital as he knew they would have been checked. He wanted them to feel comfortable talking to him. He knew forcing them to talk wouldn't work on them.

Unlike his father and siblings, Marco knew the entire truth. Well almost the full truth. He knew the truth about the abuse but he didn't know it was Alex who was the drug dealer. There was a time he suspected but that was far from his mind these days.

Rafael and Lorenzo still thought it was a foster family.

And although Rafael should have requested the files, he didn't get a chance to as so much had been going on.

Nico was struggling with the fact his big brother was hurting. They had always been protective of each other, being close in age meant that they were often getting into the same type of trouble, they had similar friend groups, they played sports. They were always invited to parties which both of them often attended.

Marco had spent three days in his room not coming out. He had been back three days and since entering he never came out.
He didn't want his father or brothers to see how weak he was so he didn't let them bring food inside, but because his father would only lecture him, there was always a meal left outside his door at mealtime. He tried to eat but he only threw up, so he stopped eating. To keep his dad happy he would often throw it down the toilet.
He didn't even attempt talking to anyone when food was left for him.

The triplets were another story. Skye would shut herself away, she blamed herself. Everyone told her it wasn't her fault but they didn't know the truth. She was the target not Marco. She hated herself for what she had done so she too skipped alot of meals and shut herself off. She didn't sleep.

Alex and James were extremely worried about her, they debated going to Rafael and telling him everything but they didn't trust him and they didn't want Skye to stop trusting them.
The thing that concerned them most was that when the triplets were alone, she didn't even talk to them, she simply stayed in her room.

The fourth day passed and went with no change.  Well until the evening.

James and Alex sat outside Skyes room which they had been doing since she started isolating herself. Everyone was aware. On the first night, Rafael tried talking to them and they refused to talk.  The next day they lied saying they didn't want anything to happen, it wasn't a complete lie but they couldn't tell the full truth. Rafael had given them lots of pillows and blankets the first time he spotted them so on the 4th night they both sat talking and decided they had to come clean about the abuse, they would leave out any gang related stuff though and say it was a abusive family.

They eventually fell asleep.

Inside the room Skye couldn't sleep, her mind was all over the place, she left her room to eat with her family to try appear normal so they didn't focus completely on her. Marco should receive all the attention, he was suffering worse. She and Marco had grien close and she dreaded coming face to face with him however Alex had said he wasn't leaving his room. She hated that she had meant to suffer not him.

With her thoughts solely on Marco, she decided to leave her room. She smiled sadly when she saw Alex and James sleeping outside her room. She was quick and quiet to leave.

She knew he probably wasn't asleep but it was late so he was probably tired so she simply took a seat outside Marcos door.

"I'm sorry for everything Marco. I hope one day you will forgive me for everything that has happened" she said.

Marco had been trying to sleep but he couldn't. All he could think about was what had happened to him. And then when he spiralled he would stop himself and think of Skye. He hoped she was okay.

It was the middle of the night so when he heard footsteps he listened closely. And that's when he heard Skye.

Her voice broke him.
Why would she even think he blamed her.

He didn't want her to see him like this but he couldn't have her hurting herself because she thought he blamed her. But he hated how vunerable he was. He shouldn't be like this, at least not in his mind.
Skye was more important to him then his insecurities so he slowly got up and for the first time in over a week he spoke once he opened the door.


Skye didn't expect him to come out let alone speak. She had heard Lorenzo earlier tell Rafael how he still wasn't speaking.

"Hi" she quickly stood. She didn't dare look him in the eyes.

Marco walked back into his room leaving the door open, a silent invite into his room and she reluctantly followed closing the door behind her.

"I'm so sorry Marco. I know you probably hate me and I understand if you can't forgive me" she braced herself for Marco to blame her, for him to tell her it was all her fault.

"I could never hate you and you have nothing to apologize for" Marco whispered. It broke him to hear it and in doing so it broke down his barriers.

He silently hugged her.

A hug they both needed.

They hugged for what seemed like forever. Both of them crying.

Both of them didn't need to say anything. They understood each other.
It was a much needed hug.
Both of them were safe. And they both knew it now.

It wasn't long before both siblings who were exhausted laid in Marcos bed, both feeling relieved that the other didn't hate them.

"I would go through all that pain again and again to protect you. Its something you shouldn't have had to go through as a child. James and Alexander too" he whispered.

Skye simply hugged him.

"You are not weak Marco. You saved me. You went through so much and you got us home" she said after a moment.

"I feel weak. Dad, Lorenzo and even Leo are so much stronger. They wouldn't have let him hurt them like he hurt me. They would have gotten you home quicker. They wouldn't have allowed you to be kidnapped. They would be dissapointed in me if they knew the details"

"You are not weak. They are all concerned and want you to get better. I'm here for you too" she told him.

They fell into silence, both too tired to say anything until

"I should go" Skye said.

"I don't mind if you stopped"  Marco didn't want her to leave.

"I gave nightmares" she confessed knowing she would likely have one.

"Me too" Marco admitted.

Skye ended up stopping and both siblings fell asleep holding onto each other, afraid they'd be taken from each other.

Okay so I was in the middle of writing and realised some of you may question how Alex and James abuse is being overlooked. It isn't and will still be looked. This chapter deals with the trauma that has just occured. Skyes abuse is most similar to Marco's too.

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