chapter 16

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The triplets especially Skye unwillingly got in Marco's car. He glared at them and had made a snide comment but didn't go further.

Skye was glad to get out of the car. Alex had a permenant glare around Marco. James found himself paying little attention to his siblings instead he was reading.

"So you three might not know but dad likes homework to be done first before we watch TV or anything like that. Of course he doesn't expect big projects to be completed straight away but at least the small pieces done" Nico informed them.

The triplets respected that and they found themselves in Alex's room completed the homework they were given today.
At some point Skye couldn't focus and so she closed her book "I think I'm just going to go to my room" she said, she was tired of pretending to be okay in front of them.

"But we are almost done" James said.

"I'll finish it later I'm just really tired it's been a long day"

"You can nap on my bed" Alex offered.

"I'd rather just nap on my own but thank you " Skye said.

"Ok we will come find you later " Alex said.

Skye left and thankfully didn't run into Marco as she made her way back to her room.

"She's not okay is she" James said.

"No I don't think she is" Alex replied.

They wanted to help their sister but they didn't know how.

A while later they heard the front door slam shut and footsteps come upstairs. Knowing it was probably Lorenzo , Alex decided to take a big risk. "Wait here" he told James who nodded.

Alex left the safety of his room and like expected he saw Lorenzo about to go up to his office.

"Lorenzo, sir" Alex called.

Lorenzo turned around straight away. Alex gulped, Lorenzo looked extremely intimidating.

"What is it" he asked ignoring how he called him sir. At least he called him by name too, it was progress, at least that's what Lorenzo thought.

"I don't like you or trust you" Alex started. His eyes widened at how rude he probably just came across. And then fear, he would probably be beaten for it.

Lorenzo rolled his eyes "I don't have time to listen to your insults Alexander so if you have nothing better to say then go finish your homework" he said in such a cold tone, he knew they were doing homework because their father made sure it was done first for all of them growing up.

What suprised Alex though was how he didn't lash out or get physical.

"I'm sorry sir that's not what I meant, it came out wrong please listen" Alex quickly said.

"Fine" Lorenzo said looking down at Alex and analysing his every movement.

"Um what I said was true -" Lorenzo rolled his eyes and turned to walk away.

"-but skye does, I have no idea why but she seems to like you for some strange reason"

Lorenzo turned back around and looked at Alex even more coldly "if this is another lecture to stay away from her, you're wasting your time. I understand you're protective but don't bother making me out to be the villian"

"No. It's just she trusts you maybe I don't know but I was hoping you could talk to her. I'm sorry sir I understand I came across as rude and you don't need to talk to her sir, if you don't want".

"Why do you want me to talk to her" Lorenzo asked causiously.

Alex thought about telling him about the bullying but he didn't know much himself and he didn't want to tell him something Skye wasn't comfortable sharing.

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