chapter 10

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Dinner was quiet that evening. The triplets didn't enjoy talking, Marco was sulking so he didn't have anything to say. As always, Lorenzo was quiet. He preferred to eat in silence. Leo was quiet because he didn't know what to say and Nico was also eating suprisingly quiet.

And Rafael was on a business trip.

Eventually towards the end of dinner, Lorenzo spoke up.
"You three will be taking a test at the end of the week"

All three triplets were panicking but put up their emotionless façade. They didn't like the idea of a test.

"Bet they won't even get in. They are probably dumb as fuck" Marco snapped.

He was pissed because he saw getting scolded as their fault. After they came home earlier, Leo had told him to be in Lorenzo's office by the time he got back.

Lorenzo had not been happy at all.

The triplets were a little saddened by this because they thought it to be true. They had never attended school before. Sure they could read, write and do basic maths but they didn't really know much.

"Some might think you are dumb for ignoring my little warning earlier "  Lorenzo said in his no nonsense business tone. He then turned to the triplets "I'm sure you will do well, it's just to see what level you're at, since you were homeschooled you might be learning at a higher or lower rate. Also you will need 70% to actually attend" he told them.

"What happens if we don't get 70%, sir" James whispered.

The brothers did their best to ignore the sir.
"Public school I suppose and you can try again next semester or even next year. We want you in school as soon as possible. Actually it works out well. You will be starting high school so you won't be the only new students" Lorenzo said.

"Don't worry though we have plenty study material in the library, Nico has all his old study books left in there. Unfortunately Marco burnt all his. But you are welcome to go and study anytime you like" Leo added.

"Yeah I can help tutor you all" Nico volunteered.

"Then it's decided. Nico will show you were his books are and if needed he will tutor you. Of course we are not forcing you to study so do what you will" Lorenzo said.

After dinner the triplets let Nico show them the library.

Even though Nico was only two years older than them, they found him just as intimating.

"You have a lot of books" James acknowledged looking around.

"Yeah we do. Do you like it" Nico asked.

The three of them nodded.

"That's good.  You can come here whenever you want. I don't often come here, I'm more interested in sports. As you can imagine Marco doesn't like to read. But Leo and Lorenzo, especially Lorenzo are bookworms. They read about boring stuff though. Well Lorenzo does, he reads about laws, finance stuff and other boring business related books"

The triplets looked at each other. Nico was a big talker.

"Anyway here are my freshman books. You guys can have them. Dad will obviously get you books of your own these can just be your study material until we know if you're going to this school"

"Thank you" Alex replied.

"You're welcome, want some help now or should we start tommorow"

"Can we start tommorow" Alex replied.

"Of course. I'll leave you guys too it" Nico said knowing they were probably overwhelmed.

Once he left the triplets began talking.

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