chapter 9

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They arrived at the mall and the triplets were terrified, they had never been around so many people. Even Alex who had been around people the most was terrified. He didn't know how to comfort his siblings when he was just as scared.

They had taken two cars as with all the stuff they needed they really didn't think it would all fit in one car, especially since they needed 3 lots of everything.

"Right kids I'm going to presume you three don't want to split up" Leo said.

They all shook their head, even Alex couldn't manage to anwser him as he looked at the amount of people inside.

"Okay so we will start of with clothes, then other other essentials, then we will take a break and after that we will go get electronics. If there is anything you want just say as long as it's child appropriate you can have it. You can shop for stuff for your room online later" Leo told them.

"Okay" Alex said feeling bad for not replying, unfortunately it came out as a whisper.

Lorenzo was the first to look at him with concern but chose not to mention it. He wanted to observe them more.

"Now it's a busy place so no wandering off, make sure you are with either one of us or at least visible by one of us at all time" Leo added.

Whilst shopping, they didn't want to leave each others side so they had gone to the boys section first, James and Alex only picked out one or two outfits and this bothered their brothers, Lorenzo didn't do anything and left it to Leo and Nico who began grabbing more clothes for the boys once they realised the boys sizes.

Alex was very reluctant and James was overwhelmed. They only really had two outfits before and had never been shopping.

Lorenzo decided to try make conversation with Skye whilst the boys looked for clothes.
"How are you feeling" he asked.
Skye didn't know how to anwser that, she was terrified of even the slightest things like  seeing someone walk past from the corner of her eye.
"I only ask because you all seem very nervous, you more than the boys though"  Lorenzo added.
"Im not nervous, sir" she whispered with a stutter.
Lorenzo wasn't happy with the 'sir' but instead of commenting on it he reached down and gently pulled her fingers out so her hand was flat, she had been clenching her fist and her nails were digging into her skin.
Little cuts were now present on her palm, he just shook his head "sorry sir" she whispered thinking he was going to lash out.

"It's okay Skye, just no more hurting yourself like this or at all. And drop the sir please" he gently told her. He knew she hadn't meant to do it on purpose but he hated knowing she had hurt herself even if it was tiny cuts.

"I didn't mean to do it sir" she said.
"I know I just don't like how you're now hurt. If you would like, when you feel nervous you can hold my hand and if you must dig your nails into me at least then you won't hurt yourself"

Skye was confused at this, why did he care so much? Surely he preferred her hurt? Why would he offer to get hurt in her place?

She wanted to trust it wasn't a trap but she couldnt. In her mind he was obviously up to something.

"Ok we are done, girls stuff next"  Leo said coming back before Skye could think anymore about it.

"We really don't need all these sir " Alex said, he was terrified that it was some sick game and they would end up hurt.

"Nonsense" Leo said dismissing his comment completely, in his opinion they hadn't gotten enough stuff. They then headed to the girls section.

Alex and James made sure to stand near Skye as she hesitantly picked out clothes. She didn't dare pick a second outfit though "you need alot more than that Skye" Leo said.

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