chapter 37

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I know alot of you wanted to see more James si this chapter is entirely James from 3rd point of view. It isn't much but it gives a little bit more knowledge on him and how protective he is. Also I have done house pics so I might do room pics at some point.

James Pov 3rd person

James was the second oldest of the triplets, when Alex wasn't around he protected Skye with his life. The men saw how effected both boys were so they often targeted Skye.

He had witnessed his little sister get hurt too many times, he had been hurt too many times himself so he became quiet. The screaming and begging for them to stop never worked. It made them angry. He learnt it was best to keep quiet. However sometimes he couldn't help himself whether it had been comments or trying to attack the men.

James learnt from a young age that he was smart. Alex was taught maths for the drug deals so he knew how much was what ect. So when Alex taught James and Skye, he noticed he picked it up at a faster pace than Skye and when Alex struggled to anwser any questions, James was able to.

He saw the growing tension between Alex and Skye and didn't like it. He didn't want to pick sides.

He hated Marco. Marco always made him feel stupid and weak and the comment he made about them when the gang came on TV. It angered him and he couldn't help but lash out. The worst part about it, he enjoyed it.

But now Skye seemed to trust and like Marco.

Alex was pissed at the family about the gang situation.

James was scared understandably but he was just starting to get comfortable. If his family was in a gang, he didn't care as long as he wasn't abused. He was getting comfortable. He loved school, he loved learning and he loved his room. They let the triplets customize it and James was starting to love just relaxing in his room. Of course he was still on edge but he was learning to be more relaxed.

"Excuse me" he said standing up. He desperately wanted to take his plate and clean it feeling rude just leaving it but Rafael told him every morning not to bother.

As much as Rafael wanted to reach his kids manners he saw they already had them and they were only 14, he didn't want them doing anything they didn't need to do. He took it as his responsibility to sort the table out. Of course they had a housekeeper but Rafael liked to do stuff for the kids too. She only worked part time or when necessary and Rafael liked it this way. He had a lot of business trips and now with the triplets back he didn't want them to lift a finger. He wanted to make up for the time he lost with them.

"Where are you going" Alex asked.

"Well it's clearly getting a bit too tense. I'm just gonna go to my room, I need to finish some homework anyway" James wasn't the best liar but thankfully it was believable and Rafael nodded and told him he could go.

James hated Marco but he wanted to know why his sister suddenly liked him. So instead of going to his room he knocked on Marco's door. The fear creeping up on him. He was afraid Marco would attack him and insult him.

When the door opened, Marco didn't look angry. He looked broken.

"I suppose Alexander sent you to make sure I wasn't doing anything to her" Marco stated.

That caught James attention knowing Skye was alone with him, he walked in not even bothering with Marco. Skye looked happy enough sat on the sofa.
"Are you okay" he asked.

"Yeah. Don't start on him James" Skye said getting up and giving James a quick hug.

"I'm not here to start on him. I am here to see why you suddenly like him, why you are fighting with Alex because of him" James said calmly.

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