Chapter 23

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Three months later

Hôtel De Coeur, Paris, France

Leaves that turn yellow, wither, then fall. Parting from the tree it had been standing at for quite some time, from spring to autumn. Humid clouds also surround the tallest tower in this romantic city, there is no warmth to accompany it, the mist this time is here to pamper sleeping eyes.

No appointments, no meetings, she's not waiting for anyone. She only settled in a romantic city, even though she didn't have the love she hoped for. The atmosphere of the city is so beautiful, sometimes she wastes her time lying down on a soft bed in that expensive hotel. The residence she occupies is right in the heart of Paris. The Eiffel Tower always noticed that her life was no longer cheerful, she always wanted to sleep and just sleep.

A white blanket covered her body and head and only her eyes and nose were visible, the warm feeling that the blanket gave her really made her comfortable. Freen has not moved from the city of Paris all this time, her world seems to be adrift with this beautiful city. But all she'd been doing the past few months was reading romance novels with happy endings right on the terrace of the hotel, Freen not enjoying the surroundings, Eiffel occasionally questioning herself, Freen not really interested in gazing at the tower.

There is no significant reason, Freen is not looking for ways to pursue her love story. She knew how hard it was for Becca to go through the day without seeing her, how sad she was for being left behind, how ashamed the story was to be repeated. Freen didn't dare ask for a chance, she just left without explaining. Also, forcing her will meant hurting her grandmother. Freen couldn't choose but to walk away from all of that, she became her old self: She didn't know love, she was alone, but now that longing never fades.

Her brows furrowed, Freen felt someone tugging at her blankets and chuckled. Jackson, this man always accompanies her wherever she goes. Including living in the city of Paris in these three months. Freen opened her eyes a little, she saw Jackson taking her photo, Freen said, "Why do you always disturb my morning?" Freen wanted to sleep until noon.

Jackson laughed, he put the phone away again, and said, "Freen, you look like a breakup." This man always teased her like that, Freen was irritated by Jackson's words. However, in retrospect, she left Becca without saying goodbye. Freen never said it, but Freen knew that Becca would hate her for leaving without any news like this.

Freen pulled up the covers again, she said, "You bought them?" Freen asked Jackson to buy another book, she never finished reading the romantic novel.

Jackson sighed, "That, I put it over there." Jackson pointed at a small cupboard, he placed on top of it "You think that will work?" Freen said that she wanted to absorb the positive energy from the books, Jackson didn't even understand Freen's words.

Freen chuckled, she looked at Jackson with a smug look "You'll see." Freen didn't know where her thoughts came from, she thought that by reading novels with happy endings, she could be like that too. Freen laughed again, Jackson's face was really unsightly, "I'm just kidding, that book is just to fill the day, Jackson." Freen slowly sat up and got off the bed, she looked at the books that Jackson bought. " Happy ending, right?"

Jackson nodded slowly, he said, "The seller said, yes. I don't know." Then Jackson opened the hotel door, the Eiffel Tower greeted them, Jackson said again, "Freen you have to exercise, eat regularly and don't get sick." Jackson said.

Freen laughed while looking at the contents of the book, she said "Alright." Actually a lot of Jackson's words have been considerate so far, like Freen, don't just sleep. Then, Freen, I always do my best or Freen, everything will be beautiful in its time, take it easy. Jackson always said different words in the morning, like now, opening the door to see Eiffel in that flat voice. Even Jackson once said things that didn't make sense, he wanted ice cream on that cold morning. Freen was used to Jackson's oddities, she didn't question anything. It seemed to her that Jackson wanted to cheer up her day, her friend knowing it all.

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