Chapter 8

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The rhythm of the music melody sounds melodious, the room with the scent of blossoms makes the atmosphere in the cafe feel comfortable. The temperature of the room is neither too warm nor cold, the cafe caretaker seems to be watching all that carefully. Some people may only be able to smell the flowers, but for Becca she can also catch the smell of cooking in the back kitchen. Even the sound of the oil being frying did not escape her hearing, she had only learned from the many situations she had been through so far.

Becca is waiting for the psychologist doctor. Becca came early, she didn't want to be late. They had an appointment at this cafe. Becca sat inside, beside the wide mirror. She could hear many vehicles passing on the road to her right. She sat quietly, not nervous. This wasn't a counseling session, the doctor just wanted to say hello.

A while later, someone walked up to Becca's table, she asked before sitting down, "Miss Rebecca Swift?" She heard the same female voice as last night's call, she was Doctor Jisoo, a professional in her field.

Becca nodded and smiled, she replied in the same tone, politely, "Right, please take a seat Doc." Becca took a few breaths, now she was a little nervous about the doctor's arrival. Doctor Jisoo sat in front of her, this friendly face always smiling even though her prospective patient didn't see her.

"Wait a minute, what would you like to order?" Jisoo doesn't seem to want the white table to be empty, she wants to talk casually to Rebecca.

Becca looked like she didn't want to order anything, her stomach already full of breakfast, but to sound polite she said, "I'll just have orange juice, thanks." She smiled again.

Jisoo smiled, she immediately stood up to order at the counter. Jisoo returned quickly, she didn't want Rebecca to wait any longer, the order would be delivered to their table in a moment.

"Miss Rebecca, I would like to introduce myself in person." This young doctor looked into those eyes, she had actually been carrying out her duties from the beginning, she was looking at the condition of her prospective patient right now. "I am Kim Jisoo, the doctor who examined you before was my father, and he asked me to contact Miss Rebecca." A moment's pause, then she said again, "I'm not forcing you to have a consultation session as soon as possible, but I advise you to consider it, because what you are experiencing now is not only you experiencing it yourself. There are many cases like you with different causes." Jisoo explained slowly and hoped that Becca would understand the essence of this meeting.

Jisoo still pays attention to everything, from facial expressions and body movements. For now, she only cares about those two things, because for Jisoo, the root of the problem lies behind the life her patients lead.

Becca heard all the explanations, she first paused, thinking. Then she sighed and smiled, she said, "Thank you for coming, Doc. I'll think about it." Becca will go for a consultation when she is truly ready to share.

Jisoo smiled, she never forced any of that, it's just that her father had asked Jisoo several times to find Rebecca, because for her father, this was an interesting case for Jisoo to work on. He wanted to see his child's abilities even further. Jisoo nodded now, she asked "You live around here?" Jisoo knows this area, her friend lived here a few years ago. And, Becca asked Jisoo to meet her at the Cafe near the apartment.

Becca nodded again "Yeah, at Pyeon-anhan's apartment."

Jisoo raised her eyebrows, as if she knew the name of the apartment.

Suddenly Jisoo's cell phone rang, she said goodbye to pick up the call.

Becca just sat there, she waited for Jisoo and her orange ice order to come. Talking briefly with the doctor made her a little nervous, she didn't know why she felt that way. But suddenly she heard a knock on the side mirror, twice. Becca was surprised, because she never expected the sound to exist. She looked to her right, trying to identify the source of the sound, but she knew she wouldn't be able to see it.

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