Chapter 10

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That seed, had slowly grown over time. Even faster than usual. Seoul hasn't rained yet, but this lover's heart is like a fertile place, the seed is about to take root. The owner of the heart can only feel how beautiful this plant of love feels within her.

Anyone realizes that the glow of those eyes screams I slowly love you , but that doesn't apply to the woman she wants. Freen seems to have had to fight longer for love against blindness, not that love is blind.

Freen always looked at her with gentle eyes, she had never seen anyone like that before, even her two best friends had never received such tenderness. To put it bluntly, Freen was infatuated. But, Freen realized, that woman never thought that the love she had existed, Freen knew that Becca didn't have those feelings for her, even if it was just a little bit, none.

This love seeker seems to be trying to understand the situation, it's too soon, the time I expected was too soon. Freen's heart was too excited, Freen realized that.

For almost ten days, their closeness has been very close. Becca considers Freen as a friend who is fun, funny, kind and cute. No more than that. Becca never thought that Freen wanted anything more than friends, never. However, one thing is certain in Becca, she is very grateful to have met Freen. She doesn't want to lose Freen, she feels very comfortable around Freen. But, Becca never said it, she kept it all in her heart.

Freen never wants to back down, she knows everything has a process. She even said to herself, this is just the beginning. Freen will never let go of the woman she desires. There is no feeling of heaviness in her about Becca not looking at her at all, Freen still wants to continue to be beside Becca for a long time, especially in Seoul.

For Freen, Becca is her serenity.

The heart that demanded to go on a journey, now slowly quieting down and enjoying the presence of feelings that seemed to give off the same feeling as visiting a foreign country, calmed down. But there are no guarantees in this calm, Freen knows that very well.

But what can I do, eight months in Seoul was very stifling. Freen had to find that feeling elsewhere, now it's in Becca.


Clothes scattered on the bed, Freen is looking for the mickey shirt she used on the first blind date. She couldn't find it. Actually it was Jackson's t-shirt, when the person sent by grandma was tidying up their luggage, Jackson's I Love Mickey clothes got mixed up in Freen's suitcase. This morning Jackson texted her that he was already in Korea, he wanted to pick up Mickey's shirt. It's Jackson's favorite shirt.

"What's left in the laundry?" Freen had no idea where the black shirt was, she had no intention of losing it. But now, she was in a frenzy, if only Jackson knew that this shirt was missing, she would definitely be occupied by Jackson for more than a week and Jackson would return to Freen to compensate for his favorite item.

Freen's hands were stroking her hair slightly, she really couldn't remember where the clothes were. "Hiss, where are you rat?" Freen was still sorting out the clothes, hoping to find them among the others. The clothes that were originally neatly arranged, are now very messy.

The sound of the cell phone rang, Freen looked for the cell phone under a pile of clothes, when she found it, she picked it up immediately without looking at who was calling. Well, it's Jackson.

"Hello Freen? I'm already in front. I'll be up in a minute." Jackson hung up on the call, he only informed Freen of his arrival.

Craps! Freen threw the phone on top of the pile of clothes.

Dot Of Life [Eng.Vers] FREENBECKY 𝙂𝙭𝙂Where stories live. Discover now