Chapter 13

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Municipality of Interlake, Switzerland

"We can get through this stage if you answer all the questions Freen." Said the middle aged woman with a look of affection, she cherished Freen like her own child. In fact, she is willing to follow the advice of Freen's grandmother to move to this quiet area, a city where there is almost no vehicle pollution. Her grandmother was really worried about Freen's past trauma. Mrs Yoonha couldn't bear to see her granddaughter like that anymore, it was very heartbreaking. Her grandmother wanted Freen to forget all that happened, and go back to being cheerful like before.

This doctor only asked Freen to retell everything that happened, that way, according to doctor Kim, she could find the origin of Freen's trauma and provide a solution. However, Freen just kept quiet. Even so, doctor Kim can't force her patient to say all that.

Mrs. Kim did many therapy sessions, but none of them managed to overcome her trauma, until finally Mrs. Kim asked Freen to just paint. Originally Freen could paint anything, she drew well. However, when the photo was placed in a corner of the canvas, Freen started to shake and couldn't control herself, as if her whole body still remembered what she saw at that time, also, she only saw red when she saw things in the photo, other colors were ignored. Every time Freen finishes a painting, it's almost like she's in a trance.


Mrs. Kim still keeps asking Freen to tell her all about it or learn to forget it. With great patience, she also never scolded or snapped at Freen because of her stubbornness. She tried to always accompany her from Freen's time at the Seoul hospital until now. In fact, she often leaves her child, Jisoo.

Freen barely spoke a word during the time she was beside Mrs. Kim. Don't know why, but Freen felt that everything her grandmother wanted was impossible.


Kim's residence, one day ago.

Mrs kim didn't ask Freen to meet her at the diner out there. He asked Freen to come to her house, she wanted to show something to Freen. While Freen was a little doubtful, in the end she agreed to Mrs. Kim's invitation.

The atmosphere at the dinner table with a menu of tender meat that looks delicious has been served in front of each of them. The two of them were still busy cutting the meat into pieces, Freen hadn't spoken since arriving. Her mind wasn't going anywhere, she just focused on slicing the meat very neatly.

"I thought you'd never want to see me again, Freen." Mrs. Kim began to break through the stiff air, she had not eaten the meat yet, her gaze was still looking at Freen in front of her. The dining table is quite large, fits nine people.

Freen hasn't answered Mrs. Kim's question yet, she starts picking the neat pieces of meat with a fork, Freen chews slowly and nods slightly, delicious. It took Jisoo's mother a long time to talk to Freen, because apparently she didn't even look at Mrs. Kim, now she always fills her mouth with the meat, slowly but surely, Freen really ignores the senior psychologist.

Mrs. Kim sighed, she finally started the food for lunch, for her Freen never changes, always ignores her words.

Freen forced silence for a long time, she seemed to want to finish the steak without being disturbed by the conversation that ruined the atmosphere. Her eyes only stuck to the white plate, even the genius brain was also thinking about what recipes she was eating. They both really did not care about the presence of Mrs. Kim there.

After a while, Freen finally finished eating. She drank the water slowly, then put it back exactly where it belongs. Freen took the available napkin , she gently cleaned her lips from the food residue.

Dot Of Life [Eng.Vers] FREENBECKY 𝙂𝙭𝙂Where stories live. Discover now