Chapter 30

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I wake up the next morning to light streaming through my bedroom curtains and a weight extending over my hips. I smile and look over to see Gage sleeping peacefully next to me.

An odd sense of déjà vu overcomes me and my smile widens. I think back to the night that started this all. That was the perfect night.

"What are you smiling about?" Gage whispers. I almost jump out of my skin.

"You need to stop doing that." I say and clutch my stomach with both hands.

He laughs and brings his hand to rest on my belly also. It's his new favorite place to put his hand.

The only problem with that is that the baby must know that the hand is his and not mine because the kicking is even harder than normal.

I groan and Gage laughs. He brings his lips to my belly and starts kissing all over.

Yes, things have gotten extremely better between us even though we have only spent like three days together. I'm betting it has something with the fact that we are mates and both our wolves need each other.

We sorted everything out once we had gotten enough of each other to take a break from kissing. He would do everything he could to make Brad leave me alone, he did suggest that we just kill him considering that would solve pretty much everyones problems but I didn't want him to get off that easily. Call it terrible, but I do want answers and I do want him to suffer for what he did. And he will. Gage will make sure of it.

"I'm gonna go shower." I say and start scooching away from him. His hand snatches my upper thigh and slides me back toward him.

"No." His lips rain kisses along my shoulder and arms.

"No?" I ask. My voice is a little out of breath but I've already acknowledged the fact that I can't help it. I mean when you have a beautifully sexy man missing you, why wouldn't you be out of breath?

"You can't leave." He mumbles between kisses.

"Um, you could, you know, come with me." I suggest.

Where did that come from?

His head snaps up and his eyes lock with mine. He pauses before a mischievous grin overcomes his whole face.

He jump out of the bed and comes over to my side. His arms wrap around me and he pick me up bridal style. He carried me over to the bathroom and kicks the door closed behind us.

Brad's POV

"Is everything in order?"

"Yes, Alpha. The whole pack has been told the details."

"And what of those who don't like those details?"

"They are ashes, sir."


"What next, sir?"

"We leave in 52 hours."

"Anything else, sir?"

"Do you have the box?"

"Yes, sir, we have it hidden."

"Good. Keep it there."

"Sir? We found spies on the border."

"You know what to do. Can I trust you to take care of it?"

"Of course, sir."

"Then we have no problems at all."

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