Chapter 9

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My life sucks. Want me to rant about exactly how it does? Sure you do.

Well it all started when my parents supposedly started talking with the alpha about our rougue problem because there always is a problem with those dipshits.

Well they found out about it and planned an attack on them but since my mom was pregnant with me, the pack had extra security on my house. So the plan didn't work.

They tried again a second time, a few years later, when I was about five. That plan almost worked, because my parents were concerned about protecting me and Trey than themselves. My dad got shot in the arm but he recovered quickly.

Still, the pack was on edge. They lowered the age of training to 13 instead of 15. They even allowed some girls to train also. Including me.

It was a good plan considering the rogues attacked us many, many more times. We made alliances with neighboring packs and they helped fight them off.

They fought us on all sides once when I was 16. I had been going through training so I did help fight when necessary. The fight ended up with us killing at least 50 of them and they only injured a few of us.

We had peace for about 4 years. Me and Trey both had completed our training so we were both perfectly capable of fighting off whoever the hell still wanted revenge on my parents. Ans who even knows why they wanted to kill my mom and dad because a while lot of packs plan attacks on the rogues.

Well, they died that night. October 14, 2011. Me and Trey were out at a party at the pack next to ours. We could have been home like they wanted us to. My mom wasn't into the whole party at a neighboring pack thing but my dad thought it was good. I always thought he hoped we would find our mates there.

The pack wasnt the same after that either. We planned a secret attack that only a certain few knee about, including me. I think that is how me and Brad we so close. I'm good at planning things. With my help, we successfully killed 159 rogues that night. We didn't even know that many existed. But that didn't matter to me then, the only.thing I cared about was killing everyone that I could.

I helped Brad plan all that, it had to be three months of planning before we attacked. It took my mind off everything that happened and Brad knew it. We got closer through that.

We aren't close anymore.

My brother was killed ten days ago. I spent eight of those days in the medical center, frozen with grief. Then I decided I was done moping and went to a party. Brad got mad but I only cared about where the alcohol was at that time.

I found my brother on my bedroom floor of all places. I haven't been back to my house in days. Not that I really had the chance or even have the chance now.

Now, I'm stuck in the basement of the pack house, aka the jail. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was because I told Brad I wanted to join a different pack. He slapped me and we won't get into the nice language I used after that.

I have learned many things in the 52 hours I've been locked down here. One is that it smells like S.H.I.T! Like you have no idea how horrible it smells. Jail isn't like how it is on TV when we get to walk around in caged areas and take showers and actually see the sun. Nope we don't get any of those things.

No showers.

Showers are my life. They are taking my life away from me.

Another thing I've learned is that there have to be at least 30 other people in here with me. Some scream all night and are quiet in the morning. I concluded that those are the people who have been here the longest and have completely lost there marbles. Or that could be new and just don't know what else to do.

The only thing I know how to do is lay on the little blanket they gave me and stay out of reach of everyone. I have people surrounding me on all sides. I have secretly been watching all of them. The one to my right is a man that looks about 25 but I think that if he got cleaned up a bit he would look younger.

The woman across from me is maybe 60 and is in really good shape for her age. Every morning she bangs on the bars of the cage until at least five people yell at her to stop. Then she stops and goes to her corner and sits there staring at nothing in particular.

There is a little boy on my left. He has to be maybe 5 or 6. My heart broke once I got a good look at him from my peripheral vision. He was at the end of the long, narrow line of cells so I was the only neighbor he had. I didn't try to talk to him or anyone actually. The guy to my right did try and get me to talk and some other people yelled from who knows how far away for me to tell them how a 'pretty thing like me' got down here.

I would like to know the same thing.

So, now that all of you know why my life is crumbling apart and know that I have no way of getting out of here.

So that was interesting and informational I guess. I decided I should give you a little more back ground info so there you go.

THANK YOU for all the views and votes. You make me a happy person. :D

I don't think this will be hard

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