Chapter 26

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I stare, dumbfounded at Michael and Adrian. We had moved to a conference room away from the noise of the cafeteria. They both finally decided to tell me the plan.

I want to throw up.

These are Michael's exact words: "We are jumping straight to the point. Brad wants you. Gage wants you. Gage is alpha to one of the largest packs and most powerful pack in the country. Brad, however, is not. He will find us and try to get you back. However, we will be ready and will use Gage's strength to defeat them but not kill them."

"And I will be doing what?" I ask. I still really want to lose what little breakfast I ate.

"You will be going into Brad's pack and getting an amulet." Adrian says.

My brows furrow. "What amulet?"

Michael starts to type things in on his computer and then he turns the screen for me to see. On it is a picture of a violet colored stone.

"The moon goddess needed something to 'have fun with,' a way for us to find direct power from her. She created this amulet so that in time of need when a pack was struggling they would use this amulet to protect themselves. An ancient saying needs to be said and a certain person with two alpha parents is the only one who can say it. Brad wants the amulet and he will use it on us first so that we will surrender to him under the moon goddesses power. That is the last thing I want to ever do." Michael says. He has a scowl on his face and so does Adrian.

"So, let me get this straight. Brad has an amulet that the Goddess created and wants to use it to have a special person activate it so he can get power?" Sounds like Brad to me.

They both nod. "She never wanted packs to fight or strive for power but it happened anyway. So she made this to help." Adrian says.

"But the amulet has its cons. If put into the wrong hands, it could be very dangerous." Michael jabs in.

My eyes widen with understanding. "Brad wants to use it to gain power. Meaning that if he gets the special person, then he could get everyone to surrender to him."

Adrian nudges Michael with his elbow. "I told you she is smart."

I ignore them and think. This could be oh so terribly bad. Brad could get the amulet and the special person and then control the world of werewolves. Who knows what he would do with the humans?

"Wait, how do you know Brad has the amulet?" I ask.

"I have a few of my men spying on the pack and we assume that he has it."

I narrow my eyes. "But that is not enough information to know that he has it. You have to be certain about this."

Michael nods and grins slightly like he just knew I would say that. "The amulet is in a box. The box was buried hundreds of years ago by people who thought it wouldn't be found. Well, my men also saw that three days before you had escaped with all those prisoners, they came back with a box similar to all the pictures in books. The box has engravings in it, like ancient symbols."

Okay, so maybe Brad does have it. It isn't too bad though since he doesn't have the special person.

"So, all he needs is the special person." I say. "We can't let him have him."

"Him?" Adrian asks.

I shrug. "I just pictured a person in my mind that is like 500 years old with a huge white beard and wrinkly skin who lives in some cave in the desert."

They both stare at me before bursting out laughing. Michael bends over and clutches his stomach while Adrian totally looses it and falls out of his chair and to the floor.

A smile fights its way to my face.

I guess I didn't make the right assumption.

They gather themselves together and Adrian wipes tears from his eyes. "That was a good one, babe."

"Thanks." I say blankly. "So, how are we going to find this person?"

They sober up and get back to business. "We aren't for sure about that yet but we hopefully will have help from Gage."

I cringe at the name. "Why do you need his help? Don't we have enough men with out him?"

Adrian gives me a sad smile. "We don't actually and he will be more inclined to help us since we have you. No other alpha will be willing to help rogues."

Well that's a good reason.

"So, when are you going to contact him?" I ask. Might as well be prepared.

They shrug. "We need to go through a few more things before then."

I nod and keep the anger out of my voice. "I don't want to see him."

Adrian opens his mouth and then closes it. Michael looks like he knew I would say that and leans back in his chair with his hands behind his head.

"You don't want to see him." Michael states.


He purses his lips. "And why would that be?"

My eyes narrow and I just decide to tell them. "We met at a party, slept together, and then we left together. Brad hit us with his truck and his beta and third caught Gage while Brad came and got me. Brad gave Gage the chance to say something or do something but he didn't. He just watched Brad put me in the car and drive away." My teeth are clenched so hard that I hope they don't crack or chip.

Both of the boys stare at me with shock and something like anger and maybe even rage. What are they mad at? Brad- I don't blame them. Gage- well I don't blame them for that either.

But they aren't supposed to care.

"I knew he wasn't going to change." Adrian mutters and huffs a sarcastic laugh. He rubs his hands down the length of his face and closes his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" A pit grows in my stomach. He knows something.

Adrian looks to Michael, who gives a curt nod, and then looks back at me. Unease keeps building up in me till I want to scream at him to tell me.

"Gage is my brother." Adrian says, finally.

Sorry for the late update I have finals next week but then I'll be done with school but then I start work...
But hopefully I'll be able to keep updating as frequently as I have been.

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How bout you guys get talkative and tell me whatcha thinkin?

Thanks for being such good people. Iyou all!


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