Chapter 1

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Searching for clothes is not fun. I mean trying them on is fun, sure, but actually having to find stuff you like is not my idea of a party. Speaking of party, that is the exact reason I am standing in Forever 21. The place has such good clothing but it is not easy to find, let me tell you.

We have been through every store in the mall that there possibly is that sells girl dresses. 'We' being me and my so called best friend Alex. On days like these when she drags me into store after store, I rethink our friendship.

"Kat, are you even listening to me?" She waves hands in my face and I glare at her. "Gosh, sometimes I think you're deaf. Anyway, what about this?"

I look over to see her holding up a black mini dress that looks way too short and way too tight.

I shake my head, "Alex there is no way my butt is going to fit in that."

A grin forms on her face, "That's a good thing." She shooves the tiny thing into my hands and then leads me to the dressing rooms.

I pull my clothes off and find that the dress isn't that bad at all. It's strapless and does show a good amount of cleavage but not enough to look slutty. It reaches a few inches above mid thigh which worries me since I plan on dancing a lot at this party.

A nock sounds on my door and I open it to see Alex standing there in a blood red dress that was almost the same as mine but her's shows more than mine but it looked good on her.

"You are definitely buying that!" She squealed and I laughed and spun around.

"Then you have to buy that." I said and stuck out my hand for her to shake and we both shared smiles.

We paid for our dresses and finally made our way out of the store and back to the pack house.

Oh......... did I forget to mention we're werewolves?
Decided to try and write a wolf book so we'll see how it goes!





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