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*•*•*•You are helpless.•*•*•*

Status:Not Edited

I had only woken up twenty minutes ago when chase opened the door to the room and squats next to my bed. I turned off my phone and placed it back on my nightstand. I look up at him and he smiles knowing I still need a while to finish waking up... also some coffee.

"Merry Christmas." He smiles and I smirk.

"Merry Christmas you filthy animal." I say and confusion etches his face.


"Home Alone, dude."

"Home a what?"

"You've never seen Home Alone?"

"No I haven't."

"That's one of the most iconic Christmas movie of all times, right next to Love Actually."

"What are these movies?" He asks and I gasp.

"Oh you and I are going to sit in the living room and we are going to watch Christmas movies thill we get that grinch out of you."

"What's a grinch?"

"What's a grinch?" I ask shocked. "Oh dear lord you are helpless." I say and roll over so that he would hop back in bed with me for a while. He looks at me and stood to his full highs smiling.

"Sorry I can't." He says and I frown. "Sebastian sent me up here looking at me with groggy eyes. He told me that I had to carry your ass downstairs do that we could open presents."

I grab my phone again and see the time seeing that it's only eight thirty a.m.

"It's eight thirty." I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "The littles won't be up for a while."

"I'm just here to follow instructions." He smiles at me and I nod lid firing my arms yawning. He places one arm under my knees and the other under my back. I feel like I weight a ton since I got this cast on my leg. Broken legs are a bitch.

"I must be very heavy right about now." I say and he looks down at me.


"This cast its weighting me down."

"No it's not."

"Just a little." I say and he chuckles. Once we reach the downstairs I point for Chase to take me to Sebastian and lower me a little. When he does I swing and hit Seb upside the head.

"The littles won't be up for at least three more hours what is wrong with you." I say and he looks back at me shaking his head rubbing the spot where I had hit him previously.

"Ah there's that very merry Christmas felling I was waiting to get from you."

"Why the fuck did you make him drag me down here?" I ask as Chase sits down and sets me on his lap where I get comfortable.

"There are presents!" He says and I shake my head. "Plus Marcus woke me up." He says and I ignore him.

"Is there coffee?" I ask ignoring the last comment. Chase leans over me to the living room table and hands me a coffee cup. I kiss his cheek and grab the cup taking a long sip.

"That's better."  I say then look at Sebastian and say. "Now I ask again. Why was a carried out of bed if the little won't be up for at least three more hours."

"Why do you guys open the presents without the little kids?" Cole asks and May nods along wanting to know too.

"Tradition... when we were little dad would keep us up at the night before Christmas Just so we would sleep in. When we woke, dad, mom, Marcus and Shawn were already awake and waiting for us to wake up. They would tell us that same didn't bring them anything and that they would be better next year so that they could get presents. When we were old enough to understand that Santa didn't exist, they told us the truth behind what they'd been doing, so after Marcus and Shawn adopted their second child, we did it to them." I explain and he nods.

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