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*•*•*•Goodnight asshole•*•*•*

After Lizzie left, Chase left too, and told his friends to stay here. Now his friend and I have been in an awkward silence since he left. I let out a long breath and lay back down on my bed. I then start to use my phone waiting for somebody to break the silence because this is ridiculous. A couple of minutes pass and the awkward silence is still there, so I decide to stand up and go over to my desk where I neatly put all my books. I grab 'To all the boy's I've loved before', I walk back to my bed and lay down again. Awkward silence still fills the air, I get tired of it, so I close my book, and sit up.

"What's up with the silence?" I asked and none of them answered

"He told you guys to stay here, not stay quiet." I say, and the tall, blue eyed blonde moves to sit at Chase's desk, then he speaks.

"Why are you his roommate?" he asked. Well, I didn't imagine that being his question, but okay.

"Alastair hall was full to the fucking brim, so they put me in Fredrickson hall instead" I answer honestly.

"Hey! Fredrickson hall isn't that bad. What was your name again?" he asked, while moving the chair around.

"My name is Princes Consuela Banana Hammock." I say while smiling.

"Sure, and I'm Crap Bag." He says in a serious tone and I start to laugh. Then the boy with a caramel toned skin and hazel eyes speaks.

"What is that?" He says and I look at him with my jaw wide open.

"You seriously don't know what Friends is?" he shakes his head no and my jaw opens more, if that's even humanly possible. "I'm going to educate you when I get the chance, but all I'm going to say for now is that Friends is the best series ever created."

"Cool." He says, not caring one bit. He rolls his eyes, while walking over to Chase's bed and sitting down. Right after he sat down I was going to say something, but before I get the chance, the door slams open and Chase walks in looking furious. He runs his hands through his hair and tugs at it. He then looks at me with hate in his eyes, if that's even possible. Man, if looks could kill I'd be 10 feet underground.

After glaring at me for what felt like an eternity, he looks away, and starts pacing around the room while tugging at his hair again. We were in silence until he calmed down.

"No" he said shaking his head.

"No? What do you mean no?" I ask very confused

"I mean no, you're not my fucking roommate." as if it wasn't clear enough that he doesn't want me to be his roommate, he emphasize the word 'not' and then shakes his head. Yay me.

"And why the hell not?" did I just mock him by emphasizing the word 'not' like he did? Yes, yes I did. Do I care? No, no I don't.

"Because." He says as if it were a valid reason.

"Listen here Hudson if you don't have a better reason than 'Because' then I'm sleeping in this room" I say annoyed at this asshole.

"You listen here, I don't care if you have to sleep on the fucking floor, you're sleeping in Alastair. You're not my roommate, end of story" he says as if I didn't want to do that already.

"I can feel the tension radiating off of them" I hear Crap Bag whisper, I never got his real name. I can even feel the other one rolling his eyes at Crap Bag's comment.

"Want to know something? This isn't fucking Disney land for me either. It's not like I had a choice, I already tried to get out of rooming with you and couldn't, so don't go around acting like somebody did you wrong cause you're not the only one." I say annoyed. Everybody stays silent and I speak again.

Rooming with ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now