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*•*•*•Yes, because it's very nice to hear someone say 'Come on bitch it's the first party of the school year.'•*•*•*

"Why?" I groan

It's currently 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday. I should be in my bed with the blanket covering me from head to toe while dreaming of the food I will eat at noon, not being dragged by my best friends to the soccer field with a waffle in my hand while being half asleep.

"Because it's Saturday." May says being too cheery at 9 in the morning

"Exactly, it's Saturday the day for doing nothing and being lazy."

"No, it's not, it's the day to go to the soccer field and watch some of the boys play while we eat waffles." May says as if it's the most normal thing ever.

"Is all you two think about boys and watching boys play sports?"

"Yes." They answer at the same time.

"Fine, but next Saturday I'm spending the day in bed so don't even think about dragging my ass out of bed."

"Deal, but don't come to us next Saturday when you want to see the boys playing soccer again." Lizzie says. We get to the soccer field, and I'm exhausted.

"How in God's name are you tired? It was only a 10 minute walk." May says "Don't you play soccer? Soccer is all about running."

"Yes, I do play soccer, and yes it was a 10-minute walk, but it's also Saturday. Must I remind you I don't do much physical activities on Saturdays?" We go to the top of the bleachers and we start to eat.

"Why do they play on Saturday's anyways?" I say.

"Oh, they don't play, they just practice a lot and run drills." May comments 

"Practicing is practically playing but with your own teammates instead of opponents." I explain to them.

"Well then they play a lot. Coach has them practicing everyday so they can be great when the opposing team comes." May says.

"Are there any fights after the games?" Who am I kidding, they probably fight after every single game.

"Sometimes." Lizzie laughs.

"Sometime? Girl, all the time." May says making me laugh. "Why do you ask?"

"Because in my old school there used to be fights. Seb is on the soccer team and he got benched multiple times for starting fights."

"Sebastian plays soccer?" May asked somewhat surprised at what I just said.

"Not only soccer, but also baseball like me."

"You also play baseball?" Haven't I told them before? May seems a bit surprised that I play baseball, so I guess not.

"Yep, discovered my love for it when I was 8 years old and got my first homerun in one of Seb's practices. We were goofing around until the rest of the team got there. He pitched me a ball and I sent it flying to the moon. Well, not the moon more like the windshield of the coach's car but similar." We all start to laugh, and I hear some footsteps approaching us.

"You hit the coach's windshield?" Cole says while walking up to us, and Chase trailing behind him.

"I did. It was hilarious, poor Seb got kicked off the team."

"You got your cousin kicked off a baseball team?" Lucas asked shocked. Where the hell are they coming from?

"Yeah, but it was okay because his coach was an ass."

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