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*•*•*•Barbie's fucking Dream House•*•*•*

Status: Not edited

"What the fuck?" Chase screams as he enters the room with Cole and Lucas right behind him.

After the girls got here, I told Josie and Hope the plan. So we started and it looks great. After we were finished, we went to the goodwill bin in the main office to finish off. We said goodbye to Hope and Jo, went back to the room, and waited for Chase and the boys to come back so the show can start. May even heated up some popcorn. She said and I quote 'I want to be ready for the shit that's going to go down'. Now you can imagine what's happening.

"Hey Chase." I look at him then back at the girls. "So back to what I was saying."

"No, no, no, hold up. What happened to my side of the room?"

"What do you mean?" I look at his side of the room and it's all pink. "Oh that. Compliments of my nieces." He just stands there with his mouth wide open.

"Oh darling, please close your mouth, you don't want mosquitoes flying in now do you." Lizzie says and I smile at her.

"What do you mean compliments of your nieces?"

"Well you see they want to start their own interior design company, so I let them give your side of the room some life. Truth be told they're only 9 years old, but if you want my opinion I think they did a fantastic job."

"Maddison, where the hell are all my stuff?"

"Umm I think I saw them in the goodwill bin in the office. You know the one the clear out at five o'clock on the dot." I check the time on my phone. "Oh will you look at that it's already 5:01 I guess you can't get them back now." I pause. "You know what. I see my mistake now"

"What that you turned my side of the room into Barbie's fucking dream-house?"

"Oh no. I mean I should've remembered that pink isn't your color."

"Vaffanculo, sei stato un rompipalle da quando sei arrivato qui. Onestamente non so come sopravviverò il resto dell'anno con te qui." He screams and leaves the room Lucas and Cole following behind him. Holy shit that was hot. Wait no he's my roommate.

TRANSLATION: Fuck you, you have been a pain in my ass since you got here. I honestly don't know how I will survive the rest of the year with you here.

"Good thing I brought my bag of popcorn, this shit was amazing. When will the next episode come out?" she says while she shakes her bag of popcorn.

"What language was that?"

"Italian." May says simply. And I look at her with a questioning look

"How do you know that?"

"I studied Italian for 3 years." She says while she eat her popcorn.

"You know what he said?"


"Will you tell me?"

"Nope." She says popping the 'p'

"Please." I give her puppy eyes.

"Fine. He said that your pretty blue eyes make your blond hair fit you perfectly."

"Liar." Liz snorts

"Wait you know what he said too?"

"Of course darling. My parents made me take Italian, French, Spanish, and a lot of instruments." I remember when I was a kid I wanted to be one of those kids the ones that just had to learn everything but at the same time I was lazy so I never got around to learning new languages I do know how to play a lot of instruments though. I learned how to play the drums, the guitar, the piano, the flute and another one I don't remember that one so well because I had a crappy teacher so I'm not going to say that learned how to play it.

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