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*•*•*•My life isn't miserable. Yours is though right?•*•*•*

Status: Not Edited

"Hey girly. Oof Madd's that looks a little darker." May says as she sits down with a plate in her hands.

"It is. That fucking wet rat." I grumble obviously bitter cause everything hurts. I mean it was expected since the moment he slapped me, but still. "Is that considered an insult?"

"I think it qualifies." I smile, my day turning up already.

"Thank you." I say as Chase sits down at the table with two plates, handing me one.

"You're welcome." He smiles at me. I like that even though he tried to kiss me, things are back to normal.

"You know I may limping around school, but that doesn't mean that I can't go to get my own food."

"But you love it when other people bring you food, admit it."

"Yeah I do." I'm about to take a bite out of my delicious food, but a voice interrupts my movements.

"What cat won that fight?" Vaseline says clearly seeing my cut cheek and lip.

"Your ugly ass hairless one." I snort taking a bite out of my food, satisfied with my answer.

"Jokes on you bitch my cat is not hairless."

"Nope jokes on you because you said nothing about it not being ugly." I reply with ease and she grunts out in frustration obviously having nothing to retort. I continue eating and she speaks again.

"The person that beat you up should have left you in worse conditions." This bitch did not say that. I did not hear her say that. What the fuck has to be going through that girl's mind that she has to say, that she wishes some random person left me worse than how I already am?

"Leave this fucking table right now." I heard May say from in front of me.

"Or else?"

"Vanessa just leave, nobody has the energy to deal with you." I tell her and stand up to throw my plate out. I lost my appetite. I limp to the trash and throw my food out. When I turn around I see Vanessa there, standing too lose to me. I side step her and limp back to the table, the annoying sound of her heels following close behind me. I turn around quickly. "What do you want Vanessa."

"For what I've been asking you to do for the last month and a half."

"Which is?"

"To break up with Max." I roll my eyes tired of this.

"If you broke up with him and regret it then that's your problem. But now you can't go making everybody else's lives a living hell because yours is miserable." She stays silent while I turn around and start limping away from her. At this point I know for a fact that everybody is watching us, because of the quietness that has spread around the dining hall. Fucking gossipers.

"My life isn't miserable. Yours is though right? Dead daddy, mommy died after she gave birth to you, step-mother that doesn't want you in the house. Should I go on?" I stop in my tracks. How the hell does she know that? "Nothing to say now?" I turn around and limp straight towards her, slapping her hard. Gasps are heard around the dining hall.

"Fuck you Vanessa!" I limp out of the dining hall as fast as I could. Once I'm out of the dining hall I slow down, crashing into someone in the process.

"Fuck!" I swear and try standing up, but I can't, I look up to see that the person that I crashed into was Max.

"We've gotta stop meeting like this." He smiles at me, and goes to help me up, but I refuse. "What's wrong?"

Rooming with Chaseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن