Chapter Seven ||Baby Blue||

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We made it back to the campus. Damion helped me out of the car and walked me up the stairs.

Once we made it to the correct floor, he followed me to my door number.

I grab my key from under the mat. I unlocked the door and put the key back where it once was.

I turned around facing him.
"Uh, do you wanna come inside ooorrrr?" I looked everywhere but his eyes.

"Maybe next time. I gotta head back to the office to finish some paperwork. " he ruffled my hair before walking off, not before looking back at me with a grin. I walked inside my flat, closing and locking the door. I made my way to my bedroom, face planting onto my messy bed still dressed.

He's such a scary guy...

I let the comfort of my bed pull me into a peaceful slumber.


I slowly opened my eyes. I wasn't in my room. I was surrounded by a blue cage. I sat up and looked around and realized i was also in a baby blue room and that this cage is actually an adult sized crib despite my figure being small.

I struggle to climb over the bars and succeeded only to fall on the other side and right onto the floor but something soft broke my fall. I looked down and discovered I was in a blue onesie with a whale on it and I was wearing a diaper judging by the soft feeling and the sight of the bulkiness in my onesie. I unbutton myself and tore off the diaper before buttoning myself up since I have no pants on. A light cut on grabbing my attention. Shit... I thought to myself. its a fucking baby monitor, as soon as I realized what it was a large familiar man came into the room with the biggest smile.

"D-Damion!" my eyes were wide saucers. i can't believe he kidnap me!

"what is the meaning of this!" I yelled. he said nothing.. in fact he looked at the discarded diaper and tsked. he walked up to me and grabbed me setting me on his hip. I kicked and fought which seemed to do nothing he then he slid a paci in my mouth only for me to spit it at his face. he looked at me with the scariest face. he took me to a rocking chair and laid me over his lap he unbutton my onesie and raised his hand.

"WAIT!" I screamed. I saw his hand moved in the speed of light, I braced for impact.





I gasped sitting up in cold sweat. I breathed heavily looking around my room multiple times before relaxing my muscles. I turned off my alarm before sighing. what a dumb ass dream I thought to myself shaking my head in disapproval.

 I got up and noticed I wet myself FUCK! I only had ten minutes to walk out this door and I still gotta walk over the big ass campus, I quickly stripped the sheets and blankets off my bed and threw them in the corner of the room to deal with when I get back from my classes, I striped myself too and took and quick rinse in the shower and got dressed.

 I decided to avoid any blue clothing today so I picked up a slightly dirty smelling black turtle neck that I drowned in a forest fragrance to cover up the smell and I found a white overall and threw those on. I wore a pair of combat boots and sloppily tied the laces. I grabbing my big circle glassed and brushed my bed head.

I grab my man bag and swung it over my shoulder. I jogged out the door and locked it with my key under the mat. I ran down the flight of stairs out of breath from the lack of breakfast I decided to skip.

I walk down the side walk. It wasn't long before a black Honda accord was following me matching my pace. I tried to walk fast but they wouldn't leave me alone. Knowing it was a bad idea I looked over my shoulder the person in the car rolled down their window. I was shocked. 

It was my ex boyfriend...Lola

"Lola?!" I cried out. I cant take this right now there is too many things happening and it's only the start of the day.

"It's Locus but hey baby" I glared at him his real name is Lola but he goes by Locus.

"Don't call me that retard" I started walking, hearing his engine roar as he follows behind me.

"I miss you" he used his lovey-dovey voice that tugs my heart.

"Say that to your twink" I spat.

I turned a corner and so did he. I glance at him for a brief moment and his face was serious.

"listen bab- Buckley it wasn't like that"

"sure" I rolled my eyes.

"I mean it was but I never liked them! and I even brought you your favorite sandwich from Starbucks!"

my stomach protested.

"come on Buckley just hop in I'll even drive you where you need to go" 

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