Chapter Three ||Who is Damion?||

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As me and Ando entered the big, colorful room, there were 'littles' left and right.

Ando ran to a bucket of Legos, leaving me behind. There are colorful plastic tables and chairs scattered around the room. The only thing out of the ordinary was a wooden table set in a corner with a sign for 'adults only'. I sat at that table eating some free snacks out of a bowl that was sitting on the table.

I dont know how i hadn't noticed before, but there's a staff that watches the 'littles.' she looks sweet with her long ginger hair and smooth chocolate eyes. She seems to stand around 5.10; her skin is also slightly tanned.

I noticed she started making her way over to me.

Despite me sitting in a chair, she still towered over me. She leaned down to my height with the warmest smile.

"Honey, this table is for adults only. Why don't you go back and play with the others, hm?" her voice was smooth, and sweetness dripped from her tongue.

Once again, my heart aches. I cursed at myself for yearing what I gave up long ago.

"I'm not a little just here with a friend, I guess," I shrugged, snacking on the bowl of pretzels.

"Oh, I'm sorry, well let me know if you need anything, sweetie." she ruffled my raven hair.

I nodded and watched her walk off. Minutes later, Ando walked up to me.

"Won u pway?" He gave me puppy eyes.

I shrugged. What's the worst that can happen? He yanked me over to the bucket of Legos.


I walked down the hallway with my old friend Damion, the owner of the club.

"So you're saying this boy Orlando found at the park was once a little but doesn't engage in that style anymore?" Damion asked, making sure the words come in one ear and not out the other.

"Yup," I nodded as we entered through the colorful doors.

I watched as Damion ran his fingers through his hair he inhaled before exhaling whilst looking at all the littles in the room.


I was playing Lego with Ando and heard the doors opened. I looked over and watched Alex walk in with some tall muscle looking man. He ran his finger through his thick hair while looking around.

Out of nowhere, all the littles even Ando were crawling towards him, chanting.

"Damion! Damion! Damion!"

I was so confused. The man who I'm guessing name is Damion, who sat down on the puzzle foam mat, letting the littles drown him with cuddles.

I kept to myself where I'm at, surrounded by Legos all over the floor.

The man looked from the littles and stared directly into my eyes. I quickly looked away, and I swear I could hear a deep chuckle.

Alex walked up to Damion and whispered something in his ear while the littles played around him.

Something seemed to click when he gave me a friendly smirk.

I cleared my throat and got up, walking back to the 'adult' table.

Five minutes later, Alex and Ando and the man walked up to where I was at. Alex told me to come on, and we left the littles area and went back to the dance floor, heading back over to the bar.

Alex introduced me to Damion before they started chatting whilst Ando was rambling on about his favorite things like warmed up peanut butter, i giggled and pretended to gag.

A few seconds later, Ando told Alex he soiled himself, and they went to get his diaper changed, leaving me and damion together.

"So I heard you don't participate in the age regression community anymore?" Damion asked.

"Yeah.."I pulled out a cigar and lit it. For some reason, Damions body seemed tensed.

I took a drag of my cigar and exhaled it.

My stomach growled. Loud enough for Damion to hear over the music somehow.

"Why don't you order something?" He asked.

"I'm trying to avoid being evicted. What makes you think I have enough time to feed myself?" I laughed it off, but it seemed he didn't find it funny at all.

"Benjamin!" He called out to the bartender.

"Yeah, Damion, what's up?" The bartender Benjamin gave me a sweet small smile. I blushed and looked away hearing him giggle from my reaction.

"Could you make him two nacho bowls?" I glared at Damion, but all he did was smirk before Benjamin nodded and went to work.

"You didn't have to do that," I sigh.

"I know, but I wanted to." he ruffled my hair, and I gave a pout.

Benjamin came back with two trays of nachos.

I can feel my tummy rumble again.

Alex and Ando finally came back from the bathroom, and Damion had his back turnt talking to Alex while Ando was playing games on Alex's phone.

Quickly, I downed both the nacho bowls. By the time Damion looked back my way, his eyes were like planets when he saw the bowls empty before he settled with a warm smile.

"Good boy," he praised me.

All the blood rushed to my face. "Noo," I hid behind my hands. He chuckled and removed my hands on my face.

"Lemme see that pretty face love bug," he cooed. He was smirking while running his fingers through my poorly maintained hair.

"Stooop," I puffed my cheeks with a pout and crossed my arms.

"Ah ah, aahh, no pouting, little one." he ruffled my head whilst babying me.

"M' not wittle, I big boy just wike oo!" I wasn't giving up. I told myself I wouldn't slip ever again. I pledged that I would never slip a day in my struggling life that I would ever fall into the headspace one way or another.

"You're just so adorable when you think you're right," he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, looking elsewhere.



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