Chapter 28

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Nobuhle's Pov

Thando: do the Zulu's know that you're leaving KwaZulu-Natal?

Me: yes they do

Thando: and your sexy brothers didn't want to come and see you before you go?

Me: they did but I said no and they insisted till I told them I don't want this family to know that I know the truth

Thando: and Lethokuhle listened to you?

Me: it was tough convincing him but yes eventually he gave in

Thando: I am shit scared of that guy he doesn't talk much but when he does you can tell that he is the oldest and what the hell do they feed him he is so tall and buff

I laughed, yeah Lethokuhle is scary but he also seems like a nice person.

Me: only you would ask that

Thando: then there is Nqobizitha that guy looks like he will jump on you and eat you anytime given you should've seen their faces when they were angry especially the one that went out what's his name again?

Me: Nqobani

Thando: yoh damn bro he looked like he was going to explode any minute and what's up with them and that witchcraft I was so scared I almost peed myself.

Me: I guess it's something that runs in the royal family because all their names describe their power except for the King his power is different.

Thando: I swear I saw lightning strike on his eyes but they didn't mention the idiot brothers power.

She meant Hlelokuhle she has been calling him the idiot brother since yesterday when we came back.

Me: now that I think of it they really didn't and did I tell you that when they met me the other one came to me and held my cheek they smelt my scent and his eyes turned yellow?

Thando: is to go is to see

She said clapping her hands.

Me: I will ask him

Thando: I wonder what your power is.

Me: I shine bright like a diamond in the dark

We both laughed but what she said got to me, what if I also have these things?

Thando and I were in my car going back to Gauteng. She didn't come here with her car she took a ger private jet then an Uber. I had a lot of things to put in my car so I told the family to go with Thando's jet and Sboniso and I will drive. Sboniso was in his car with Zama and I was in the car with Thando. Zama's parents, my parents and uncles were in the plane and the others went with the other cars.

Thando: but babe are you okay like really?

Me: I actually don't know I mean I am happy that I found my real family and that I know why I have been excluded a lot in the Khumalo family but a part of me is scared.

Thando: why?

Me: I'm scared that he might now want me anymore and he might punish me for my mother's sins.

Thando: aybo MaZulu kaBaba

I smiled widely, she just had to call me like that.

Thando: you see how happy you become when we mention him? Don't let negativity bring down that smile he is your father and he will love you just the way you are He already love that idiotic son of his so what's going to stop him from loving another idiot?

Me: hey

She laughed and I joined her.

Me: I'm not an idiot

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