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Nabi's Stolen Picture

Nabi was sitting on her bed. She had her back against the wall and her legs stuck together so that she could rest her sketchpad against her knees. She was drawing quietly by herself. Her members were either in the living room or not in the dorm right now. Nabi tilted her head a bit for a better perspective of the picture she was trying to perfect.

For no real reason, Hyunjin came looking for her. He was bored and had just finished his project for school. He was a year ahead of Nabi and Jeongin and so most times when the two maknaes got stuck they went to the older member for help. They all went to SOPA high school after all.

Nabi looked up as her shared room door got opened and Hyunjin appeared smiling at her. She gave him a smile back although a little confused.

"What are you doing?" he asked her.

Nabi held up her sketchpad and pencil for Hyunjin to see.

"Drawing. Why, do you need something?"

"No," Hyunjin shook his head and went to fall down on the bed beside her. "I noticed you were all alone."

"I'm fine," Nabi reassured him.

Actually, she was a lot like Hyunjin in a way. The two could be loud and playful, and in Hyunjin's case very dramatic, but they also liked their downtime a lot. They could disappear for hours and just be happy with their own company and the silence. Hyunjin knew how damaging that could be sometimes so as much as every member gave the two their time and space when they needed it they also didn't forget or ignore them.

When Hyunjin decided to be alone for too long it was mostly Minho or Jeongin who saved him from himself. Interrupting his quiet time or just joining in on his quiet time. For Nabi, it was usually Hyunjin or Han bringing her back into the world and bugging her endlessly with teasing affection. Just so they had someone with them to know that they weren't alone.

Hyunjin rested his head against Nabi's shoulder as she continued to draw. His eyes widened a little at the picture. Hyunjin and Nabi were the two artists of Stray Kids. Sometimes they got inspiration from each other. Sometimes they played around and made art together. But personally, Hyunjin liked abstract more than anything while Nabi was more compelled to do landscapes or portraits.

"Are you finished?" Hyunjin asked.

Nabi stared at the picture she'd drawn. It was okay, it was good. She really liked it and it had only taken her two days to finish. She quickly dated the picture and signed her name; a habit Jungkook had forced into her. Because in all honestly her older brother was her biggest supporter when it came to her art. He loved it and always framed whatever Nabi gifted him. His room was filled with it and so was his room back at their parents' house.

"Yeah, I'm finished," Nabi nodded. "Hyunjinie oppa, what do you think?" she asked with an excited smile on her face.

Hyunjin didn't say anything and grabbed the sketchpad out of Nabi's hands. He hurried off of the bed and ran out of the room shouting, "It's mine now!"

Nabi blinked in surprise before her eyes narrowed. "Yah! Yah, come back here! Hyunjin-ah... it's not yours... why did you-- Yah!" Nabi whined and crawled off of her bed to run after Hyunjin.

Chan was walking through the front door when he saw the sight of Hyunjin being chased by Nabi. Like a scene of Tom and Jerry. Seungmin, Han, and Jeongin who were all sitting on the couch each peacefully doing their own thing looked up in surprise at the sudden chaos.

"What's going on?" Chan asked, half in amusement and half in concern. After all, not a lot of things ever managed to rile their maknae up and make her chase them around the dorm like a hunting dog.

"I'm... not sure," Han shrugged as his eyes followed the two.

"Nabi! What are you doing?" Jeongin called his best friend.

Nabi ignored him and jumped over the back of the couch to try and catch Hyunjin when he kept dodging her and making them run over and over again in circles. Chan quickly caught their youngest around her shoulders. He kept a firm grip on Nabi and she fell back with her back against him and with all of her weight too. Another thing that she and Hyunjin had in common. Whenever someone tried to hug them, especially from behind they'd just let go and trust that whoever was hugging them would catch and support them from falling.

"What's going on?" Chan laughed.

Hyunjin panted to catch his breath now that Nabi was contained.

"He stole my drawing, oppa!" Nabi complained with a pout. "I asked him if he liked it but he just stole it and ran off."

"Awe, cute," Han murmured.

Nabi was so freaking adorable when she wanted to be. Especially when she was pouting or acting cute. It was really hard to resist the youngest Jeon sibling.

"Why did you steal Nabi's drawing?" Seungmin asked out of curiosity before Chan could.

"Look at it and tell me it isn't worth stealing?" Hyunjin dramatically said and turned Nabi's sketchpad around in his hands for the other members to see the drawing.

"Yah, now I want it," Han said with a laugh.

"Wow... " Chan gasped.

The drawing Nabi had been working on for two days was actually a portrait picture. A portrait picture of Stray Kids. It had all nine members in it. Chan was in the middle with Minho, Changbin, and Hyunjin on each side of him. And then below the hyung line was the maknae line all in sitting positions on the floor. Nabi was in between Seungmin and Felix with Han and Jeongin on their left-hand side.

"It's so wholesome," Chan commented and released Nabi from his arms. "We're framing it!" he declared.

"What? No!" Nabi shook her head in disbelief.

"I second that," Seungmin stuck his hand up.

"Yeah, me too," Han added.

"We can hang it up on the wall near the front door," Jeongin suggested.

Hyunjin grinned brightly at his members while Nabi sighed before completely giving up. Originally she was going to give it to Chan for all of his hard work as their leader. To show him that they were a family and that it was all because of him that they were here. Bang Chan was the start and the glue that held Stray Kids together. So she wanted to give him something to remind him every day of how important he was to his members, but Hyunjin obviously ruined it. But even though he ruined it, it still kind of worked out in a pretty good way too.

Now they had a Stray Kids family portrait.

"Whatever," Nabi shook her head with a defeated sigh.

"I'm going to go buy a frame right now!" Chan said and made a U-turn for the door. He'd just come back from the studio and was about to get some much-needed sleep but to him, this was more important.

This was the family he chose himself and that they all made together.

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