Incorrect Quotes #2

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Nabi: Is it okay if I swear?

Chan: Yes, I'll allow you to swear.

Nabi: Great, okay. F...

Chan: Go on.

Nabi: I'm nervous.

Jeongin: Thank you for agreeing to see me.

Nabi: I didn't. You just walked in and started talking.

Jeongin: Look, I don't have time for a history lesson.

Nabi: You're the one who made me and Jeongin the people we are today.

Chan: You I take full responsibility for [points at Nabi], him though, you can't blame me for that [points at Jeongin].

Hyunjin: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?

Nabi: I think it's more concerning when you look bad but feel good.

Hyunjin: I'm 50% murder, 80% gay, and 70% a hero.

Nabi: That's 200%

Hyunjin: I'm twice the man you'll ever be!

Nabi: That's a relief considering the fact that I'm A GIRL!

Seungmin: As Stray Kids' Visual, I--

Minho: What are you talking about? I'M the Visual!

Jisung: That's false, I'm obviously the Visual.

Nabi: Maybe I'm the Visual... ??


STRAY KIDS: Nabi's the Visual.

Nabi: What can therapy do for me that screaming into my pillow for 30 minutes can't?

Nabi: I don't need a boyfriend, I need 12 million dollars and my favorite chocolate.

Nabi: If you see Jungkook, give him this face.

Nabi: [stares blankly]

Nabi: He will know what it means.

Yoongi: .... weird but okay.


Yoongi: Nabi wanted me to give you this message.

Yoongi: [stares blankly]

Jungkook: Ah, the neutral face of disappointment.

Han, referring to Minho: What if he kisses me?

Nabi: You kiss him back, obviously.

Han: Okay....

Han, thinking: But why his back though....??

Nabi: Thanks for dinner, oppa.

Jungkook: I thought you paid??

Nabi: ....

Jungkook: ....

Nabi: Well, I guess we're never going back there again.

Minho: I've never had a real friend before.

Nabi: I can be your friend.

Minho: I've also never had a boyfriend before.

Nabi: [grabs Han and puts him in front of Minho]

Nabi: Here you go, oppa. One boyfriend and he's all yours. Enjoy!

Han: ....

Minho: Thank you!

Nabi: What if our phobias are the reason why we died in our previous life?

Minho: [staring up at the rollercoaster in front of him]

Minho: So we already died here but we're back again?! CAN THIS NEVER STOP?

Nabi: I feel like we're not as close as we used to be. So I got us friendship bracelets!

Chan: That sounds like a good idea.

Jeongin: Do we have to wear them?

Nabi: Yes!

Hyunjin: Fine, emotionally tie me to you forever...

Nabi: [handcuffs all 9 of them together with pink fluffy handcuffs] There we go!

Chan: I take back what I said.

Hyunjin: I regret this.

Felix: I strangely like this.

Minho & Seungmin: [dragging them around to find boltcutters]

Changbin: [just breaking the handcuffs off on his own]

Nabi: Oh no! The power went out.

Han: It's okay, I've got this.

Nabi: ....

Han: *starts shaking violently*

Nabi: What are you doing?

Han: I swallowed glow sticks!

Nabi: WHY--

Seungmin: I don't have the time to tell you how wrong you are.

Nabi: ....

Seungmin: Actually, no. It's going to bug me if I don't, so take a seat.

Felix: Why aren't there any adult playgrounds? Like everything's the same but bigger.

Nabi: There are; Theme parks.

Felix: But you have to pay for those.

Chan: That's the adult part.

Minho: I put a 'poison' label on my bag so people would stop trying to see what's inside.

Nabi: Ah, that's smart.

Minho: But also because it's got actual poison inside.

Nabi: Wait, WHAT??!

Minho: Don't worry, no one would be dumb enough--

Seungmin, from another room: I think Han and Hyunjin are dying.

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