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The Last Two Members

Very Late 2016

Four weeks later, Chan found yet another member for the group. This person was going to be the second youngest of them. He exceeded Nabi's age by only a few months. His name was Yang Jeongin, but he preferred to go by I.N. He had eyes like a mischievous fox but braces like a little boy. His smile was also something else and all anyone wanted to do was take care of him.

Jeongin was a really sweet and innocent kid, but he could also be a little savage when he wanted to be. Seungmin especially liked this side of Jeongin while everyone else just thought their newest member was too cute, even when he wasn't trying to be.

He was sixteen and so was Nabi. She and Jeongin met each other about a year ago. They were in almost all of the same classes at SOPA and they also got paired up a lot for assignments. So it wasn't hard for them to become fast friends but because they got on so well and had so many things in common they became pretty inseparable too.

Jungkook was worried at first, especially when he first met Jeongin and saw how well he and his sister got along. They were pretty close to one another and it had only been two months since they met. Back then Nabi was fifteen, and dating would start to filter into her mind sooner or later but thankfully it hadn't yet.

Jungkook was also thankful that Nabi and Jeongin acted more like twins or siblings than they did potential lovers. They teased one another and annoyed each other constantly but also laughed it off like it was nothing afterward. It put Jungkook at ease knowing that there was probably a good chance that nothing would ever happen between them.

But Nabi would be lying if she said she wasn't shocked and surprised when Chan first brought Jeongin into their practice room. The two smiled at each other before questioning one another on why they were there.

Since Jeongin was the only one in the group older than Nabi, he lived for the moments when he could take care of her or pull his 'oppa' card. Of course, they took care of each other on a daily basis while at school but this was different. While everyone babied Jeongin because of how young he was, at least he had one person that was younger than him and that he could baby. It was a nice change for him.

So, so far, there were a total of eight members now.

"Nabi-yah, you're late! I thought you weren't coming today!" Jeongin called out to her when he saw Nabi entering the building.

"Of course, I came," she said giving the older boy a bright smile. "None of us can afford to skip a day of practice. The showcase is just around the corner. I think Chan oppa would actually consider murdering us," Nabi joked.

Jeongin chuckled and nodded his head. "Probably."

"What are you doing outside?" Nabi asked curiously. The two of them were now making their way down the long hallway and on their way to the dance room. "You weren't waiting for me, were you?"

Jeongin nodded again. "I always wait for you, don't I?"

"You do, but that's when we're at school," Nabi reminded him. "You really didn't have to wait for me outside."

"Minho hyung said to come and get you as soon as you got here. Hyunjin hyung and Changbin hyung offered to come instead but Chan hyung wanted everyone to start practicing as soon as possible. Tomorrow we're getting a break, remember?"

"I remember," Nabi said.

"Jisung hyung commented something about you being late, but I told him to leave you alone!" Jeongin stated. "Why is he being so mean to you? Just because you're a girl."

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