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"Move, you son of a bitch, small dick driver!" Chiara raged as she changed lanes into the International Terminal road at the JFK Airport. "Cut me off, you asswipe, I dare you!"

Tommy took a video of her in admiration while laughing hysterically. "And to think, your whole persona as 'Ara' is that you don't curse."

Chiara turned to him in confusion before realizing he had been recording. She tried waving the phone away but failed as Tommy took her hand and held it instead. "Asshole," she murmured with a smile. "I hate airports with a burning passion. New York drivers just piss me the hell off."

"I'd never be able to drive these roads," Tommy commented. "They're insanely large for no reason. British highways are the same size as American backroads, for fuck's sake."

"God, I'd never trust you in front of the wheel," she added. "Driving on the left side would give me an aneurysm."

She pulled into a drop-off area with workers yelling at everyone to keep going. Chiara ignored them and parked on the side of the street near his terminal and helped him with his suticases.

Before Chiara could add anything, Tommy wrapped his arms around the girl and nestled his head into the side of her neck. He took her in entirely, afraid of pulling away.

"I feel so relaxed when I'm with you," he admitted, sighing. "I'm gonna miss that. I'm gonna miss everything about you."

"Don't go all soft on me now, you big oaf," she said, dancing her finger on the nape of her neck. "Go back to being that jackass that made fun of me for the dumbest things."

"That was 'cause you used to make me nervous," he murmured. "You still make me nervous, but, being nervous around your girlfriend is much more rationalized than being nervous around your best friend."

She brought his face up to make him face her. "I'm your girlfriend?"

His face reddened. "Are you...not?"

The girl simply laughed. "I don't think you ever asked me, Simons."

He cleared his throat as he stood straight up, still holding his waist. "Well, if this week has proven anything it's that I clearly don't see you as just a friend." Tommy placed a kiss on her forehead as he brought her closer. "So, Chiara Florence Price,-"

"How do you know my middle name-"

"-may I be your boyfriend?" he said, eyes bright.

She smirked at him. "And if I said no?"

"Well, then, I'd drop to my knees and wail like a toddler until TSA arrests me and forces me to permanently stay in this country making me closer to you by default."

"We wouldn't want that, would we?" she replied.

"No," he said moving his head closer to hers, "we wouldn't." He closed the gap between their bodies and held her face tenderly.

It wasn't until a car honked in the distance that they remembered where they were and the couple frowned.

"You have a plane to catch," she mocked.

"What if I missed that flight? And then all the other ones after that."

"You sound like Vision from Endgame."

He deadpanned. "Don't jinx us like that. You remember how those two ended."

Chiara shoved his face away. "Superior marvel couple, through."

"I'd argue that Black Widow and Bucky were better."

"Too bad the MCU didn't think so," she taunted. "Otherwise they would've put 'em in the movies." The girl pushed him inside the airport while he resisted. "Okay, you loser, you'll actually miss your flight. Go!"

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