Chapter 51 - Decision

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Lady Shuang, the beauty of Zinnu and the youngest daughter of the Ruling House fidgeted outside the banquet hall. She could hear the merriment inside as everyone waited for her. The soft murmur of voices and laughter of nobles gathered by her father for the occasion suddenly made her anxious.

She felt nauseous. Her mouth felt dry, her legs weak and ... why was her heart pounding in her chest like a thousand galloping wild horses? She had been training for this moment her whole life like all daughters of noble Houses. She should be the best as befitting a daughter of the Ruling House! She should be ready! Instead she felt faint and stood rooted to the spot.

"Ghost?" she whispered in a panic.

"I'm here," her bodyguard said stepping nearer immediately. His reassuring presence and low velvety voice instantly comforting her. He exuded a sense of calm and safety which she clung to desperately.

Xin, one of the two Vice-Captains assigned to Lady Shuang cleared his throat when Ghost broke protocol. He should he at least five steps away. Now the damn Shard was barely two steps away!

Ghost ignored him, and Key, the other bodyguard grinned and threw Xin a cheeky wink before also stepping nearer to the Lady much to the Vice-Captain's annoyance.

The Elite clenched his jaw but stilled himself. Hah! That bodyguard would not be so impertinent if only he knew a real live Shard was so close, thought Xin. Xin wondered again if he should tell Key that Ghost was a Shard. It was an ongoing internal struggle he had since coming back from Lady Shuang's pilgrimage. No, not now, he decided. Although he was a cocky young man there was no need to scare the clueless bodyguard witless. Key did not need to be distracted from doing his job. Lady Shuang was the prerogative and needed to be protected properly. He should just continue his surveillance on Ghost and tell Key when the time was right.

"I'm scared," Shuang whispered without turning. Ghost and Key were often annoying but they never looked down on her or gossiped behind her back. She knew whatever she confided in them would stay secret.

"There is no reason to be scared," Key replied in a low voice. Shuang obviously did not want to be overheard by the servants around her.

"Straighten your back and lift up your chin proudly. You are the daughter of the supreme Ruling House," Ghost said softly. "This ... is your day."

Unconsciously, Shuang responded to his firm directions. His tone and manner reminded her of who she was and his words sparked a confidence in her. Ghost and Key were right, she was the daughter of the Ruling House! There was absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Still ...

"What if I choose wrong?"

"You won't."

Key nodded in agreement to Ghost.

"Beauty of Zinnu, your bright future awaits you. Be guided by your wise parents and choose with your heart," said Key. "Marriage is a new adventure, make it a worthwhile one. Your fate is in your hands."

Shuang drew herself up, squaring her shoulders. Ghost and Key were right! Marriage is an adventure! Exactly! She would be free to make and live her own life! Whoever she chose, she would be a powerful mistress of her own household. She would finally be free from her bullying brothers. Both her suitors were powerful men from the nine main Houses in Zinnu. Her life would really be hers!

A radiant smile formed on her pink lips. Her trembling ceased. Shuang touched the dainty Night Pearl necklace on her neck, then fingered the large red ruby ring one last time before stepping forward.


The thunderous complex drum beats mixed with clever stick and rim knocks herald the lady's arrival. Heartbeats automatically followed the exhilarating almost military-like rhythm echoing throughout the great hall. When it finally stopped in unison, the sudden silence was almost as deafening as the stirring drumbeats before it.

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