Hiatus Update (#2)

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It's been a while.

How you doin?

This is a wattpad story.
I can't hear your reply until I upload this page.

So, Last update was like...wha...February? Im in June now, thats like 3-4 months.

I feel like CoryxKenshin, or as DxD Characters would say...KoryxCenshin.

So, I just wanted to get more things off my chest regarding this book.

I had alot of IRL stressors and such while writing and it got alot, especially when people act like this book is nothing as if I haven't spent hours upon hours and sleepless nights after sleepless nights trying to write something im happy with.

I understand writing is so easy but its more than just...making letters appear on a screen for me. I feel as though, when I write the reader can sense when I actually give a shit about wha I'm writing versus when Im just writing just to get a fucking page out. I don't wanna just throw bullshit onto a page and call it my art or my literature.

As I wrote that DxD discontinued thing I was in an episode of stress and pent up rage, I've said things about this book that I didn't mean. I've said this book was nothing, and that its poorly written and much more things about the characters...which are characters based off my friends and I.

To my friends reading this, I'd like to say...I'm sorry. I apologize for ditching this book and sorry for all the times I've lashed out from the pressure. You all mean the absolute world to me and I don't even want to think about where I'd be without any of you. So, Bailey, Juno, Emery, Taiko, Bon, Hina, Cora, Michelle, Chip, and Jax, I'd like to say...

I love you all. Thanks for the being the biggest supports behind this story. I truly wish great blessings on you all. Thank you for being there every step of the way and I truly hope I can repay these favors in any way necessary.

I've had this book for quite a while now and my writing has gotten much better if you can see that progress.

I've been thinking of this book for a while lately, and I think some of you can see that as I have atleast 10+ pages that haven't been released yet.

So Basically...

All I truly wanted to say to anyone who still even cares about this book.

I am well & I will see you all very very soon.

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