Kim's Killer Kock

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The bright morning sun gleam peeked through the window curtains and softly lit up the room. Kryptos couldn't help but groan a little as he stretched out his lips and  quietly yawned before sitting up on the couch he slept on. He sat there with his head in his hands and just contemplated what his next task was. Normally, He'd have an alarm set to start his day, but ever since he crawled out the pond, his life was thrown into a blender. He looked over at the bag of clothes he bought, then he remembered that he forgot to get clothes for himself, afterall he couldnt keep wearing his pond water soaked clothes all the time. "Fuck fuck fuck!" Kryptos quietly cursed to himself whilst giving himself a couple slaps to the face. How could he have been so stupid!? Has he learned nothing in his life!?

Kryptos took a deep breath before putting on his black combat boots and walking to the front door, but then he hesitated. He sighed, a bit disappointed in himself that he felt the need to check up on the twins, before walking to the room the siblings were inside of and carefully opened the door to peek inside. Sora was peacefully sleeping with her arm wrapped around Aros and Aros was sleeping as well with his face resting on her chest. Kryptos couldn't help but smile a little before actually taking one of the keys and leaving the room.

Kryptos slipped the door key into his shirt, right against his pec, like how someone would if they were holding something in their bra, except Kryptos didn't have a bra. Though with a chest like his, one would really help. He then walked through the brightly lit corridors, heading for the exit. The hotel was rather busy and populated but that was expected for a place with a reputation at nice as 'The Heaven Hotel'. Kryptos didn't mind the fact that the hotel was populated by alot of people, but he couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching him diligently.

He quickly flagged down a taxi and got inside. "Yo, Where ya headed?" The driver looked into the rear view mirror, She seemed relatively young and had curly blue hair which was flowing freely from beneath a black hat which covered most of her eyes. She also had a nameplate on her chest which read 'Chi-Chi'. "Cock's Sporting Goods, Please and Thank you." Kryptos spoke in a dark tone as he usual did with strangers. "Alrighty, Sir." Chichi smirked and began to drive to the store. Kryptos didn't try to make conversation at all, in fact he just looked outside the window as he usually would. The Sun was out since it was fairly early and the streets were busy. "Yknow we got a ways ahead of us, So How've you been doin'? Anything interesting happen?" Chichi bit her lip as she looked at the mirror to Kryptos and back on the road infront of her. "I just got here last night actually, so nothing much has happened." Kryptos shrugged his muscular shoulders, purposely avoiding mentioning Sora and Aros for some reason. "Ahh, You're new to the city?" Chichi asked. "Kinda, Yeah." Kryptos answered. "Mmm." Chichi softly grunted. "Please, Lady Imphedia, Hear my prayers, for the love of everything that is sacred, I beg of you to make this mission as quick and easy as possible..." Kryptos softly whispered to himself with his eyes closed, praying. "Oh, You're religious?" Chichi blinked. "...Something like that." Kryptos shrugged again. "Mhm, So What kind of deity is...Indetia, Was it?" Chichi asked, just trying to make a casual conversation. "Imphedia, She's a...Goddess whom was once a mortal human, if I remember correctly. I believe she was once a theif, Like Robin Hood, She would steal from the rich and give to the poor. She's commited a few sins in her day, but She's also done a lot of good, Like rescuing children from abusive households or slaughtering scum who commit vile acts like pointless murder, rape, pedophilia and more of the such. She did die however, Thats how became a goddess I think. She also had thirteen children of her own." Kryptos explained. "Thirteen!? Damn...She was a real hit with the guys, huh?" Chichi sniggered. "Actually, Some say she was attracted to women more than men." Kryptos smiled. "Woo! Lets go lesbians!" Chichi giggled. Kryptos chuckled as the car began to pull up to the shop.

"Alasss...Our journey has come to an end, Unless...You might need a ride back?" Chichi asked with a soft smile. "I guess I do." Kryptos smiled back after getting out the car. "Welllll, Ill be right here." Chichi said as she powered off the engine in the car. Kryptos nodded as he walked into the store.

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