New Old World

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"Nggh...." Kryptos groaned as he finally truly opened his golden amber eyes. Everything was so blurry, He couldn't grasp where exactly he was but he felt pressure on the entirety of his muscular body. He carefully and slowly scoped around the area, there were a bunch of blurry glows within the darkness. It was then when he realized that he wasn't breathing. He was submerged underwater. How could he not realize it sooner!?

Kryptos blew out two bubbles into the water and observed where exactly they floated to, then swam after them. Luckily, He wasnt at the bottom of a deep sea, it was more of a deep pond.

Once he made it above the surface of the water, He threw his head back and gasped before looking around at his surroundings. He was in some kind of cave. The walls were covered in neon plants and crystals of the sort. They shined so brightly that from the surface, the pond looked bright as the morning sun. The water probably wasn't even that dark, Krytpos just didnt give his eyes enough time to adjust.

The water droplets rolled down the handsome man's face and chiseled body as he let out a grunt while pulling himself out of the pond. Nearly every piece of clothing was soaked and sticking to Kryptos' body. The wetness of his socks in his black combat boots gave him the most discomfort. He was tempted to just outright release his bare feet right then and there but, he knew he hated the feeling of his soles on the outdoors ground even more. He sat by the pond for a bit and just admired its beauty. It was a very soothing view that Kryptos or nearly anyone could fall asleep to.

He spent around 10 minutes simply staring around at the scenery. This was one of the few places that would never change, not in any world. After those 10 minutes, Kryptos' clothes had air-dried. He was partially thankful for this, but not so thankful for the fact that the water scent had probably clung to him by now. This only gave him more reason to go and find his 'place' which was definitely outside of this cave. He grunted as he stood up and followed the bright radiating plants and rocks to the entrance of the cave.

He found himself now in a dark forest, which was very dimly lit by the chilling glow of the moon above. "Fuck my life." Kryptos groaned as he grabbed one of the glowing plants and harshly yanked it from its home. A bit of the residue stained his hands, the weird stickiness irritated him a little but he could bare it. He was about embark on his journey to his home but turned back go use his anomaly to close off the cave, the only person he wanted to access that was himself. Once he had the cave entrance sealed in a goldish ember crystal he left.

He wasn't in much rush to get home and He didnt have a fear of what lied in those woods so He didnt run too fast, if anything it was a little jog. These woods may have been dim but there was nothing in those words a well trained muscle bound man like him should fear. If any bear or gator or wildebeest should attack him, He'd just lug it into a tree or bludgeon it with a branch. That man knew too many ways to mame an animal, and all of those were fuelled by rage.

It took around 15 minutes for Kryptos to find the glow of city lights seeping through the gloomy aminous forest. He walked towards them with his head held high and his chest puffed. He had a vibe to him that made him look like he wasnt scared of anything, and he wasn't. The lights of the city weren't just beautiful they were mesmerizing, they were the kind of lights he would look at during night while listening to slowed and reverbed songs during his teen years. They brought back a soothing sense of nostalgia for him, but now wasn't the time to dwell on their past though, he had places to be and things to do.

"The building that rose from the where you'll heal from the cuts and gashes..." He repeated to himself as he pondered what building that was. Of course god had to talk to him in riddles, never giving any clear signs. He briskly scoped around the area in search for any building that matched that description. That was when a certain building caught his eye.

Xiono Hospital.

Or what he thought was Xiono Hospital.

It was a hospital before the fire sent it down into ashes. Now all that was there is a new building, It looked like an old abandoned haunted house. It couldn't have been too bad in there because it had two stories to it, atleast thats what it seemed like. Krytpos groaned and grasped the once golden doorknob and twisted it with a soft push as he walked inside the house. It was dark but Krytpos still had his glowing plant so it wasn't that dim. He could make out faint shapes items in house. The place was clearly neglected but it wasnt irredeemable; It just needed a bit of tender love and care. He smirked to himself, this brought back memories of when he would turn any project he found into something he cherished and made his own, much like his truck. He knew he couldn't just repair the building and all of a sudden make it his, He had to make it legally his first. He couldnt afford to get into legal trouble, not now anyways. He was a little tired and wanted to call it a night but he had work to do.


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