Trouble Always Finds Us

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Kryptos whipped his head around to wherever that scream came from. It was loud and full of emotions of worry and distress. That scream was also followed by loud sobs. He hated the sounds of screams and cries, They were so annoying and made him cringe. He didn't want to hear that sound drag on for another second so he thought it was best to investigate and try to pacify the crying damsel.

As he followed the sound it lead him to the alleyway besides the abandoned house he claimed for himself.

The source of the sound was a olive-skinned lady with hair as dark as the night. She was a radiant of beauty, like a girl you'd see in your dreams or in a painting. Her long dark hair was being held up by what looked like periwinkle colored bow.

In her arms laid a pale skinned young man, His hair was blue and shaggy, and his face had a bit of chin hair so it was easy to tell he doesn't have the best hygiene. He had pretty soft features but he was also fairly tall so he had to be around teen age. He was also unconscious.

He was about to turn away, but something or rather someone told him not to.

"S-Sir! Im sorry to disturb you but my brother needs help!" The woman motioned for Kryptos for come closer and He did exactly that. "What happened?" He knelt down besides the boy and his sister to see what was wrong. "I dunno, I just woke up at he wasnt m-moving!" She sputtered out between sobs. "Bring him in, He can rest in  the house."  Kryptos sighed and put his hands in his pockets while nodding to the house. The woman nodded and picked up her brother 'Aros', slinging him over her slender shoulders and walking inside the house.

She slowly and carefully set her brother down on the old raggedy couch. Kryptos didn't want any unneeded visitors and wanted them gone as soon as possible, atleast he did until he realized he could use them. He gently placed his hand on Aros' face to feel his temperature. He was practically just burning up. His eyes widened a bit as he took off Aros' black hoodie to cool him off, but now his bandaged wounds were clear and visible. They were bandaged pretty well for a amateur whos never been a doctor or nurse. "...He has numerous infections. He's gunna need to stay here for a while, unless he has to go home." Kryptos gave his best guesstimate to what was wrong. "w....what home?..." Aros coughed as he slightly regained consiousness. "You piece of shit dont scare me like that..." The Woman giggled whilst wiping her tears. "Sorry, Sora..." Aros smiled and tried to sit up.

"You two are homeless?" Kryptos raised an eyebrow. The siblings nodded. "Ill be right back, you two stay here." Kryptos swiftly walked out the door. He currently had two objectives.

1. Heal Aros.

2. Find the Mayor.

That was probably going to take a few hours but Kryptos was determined. He already came so far, It'd be foolish to let a few minor set backs defeat him. It had just started to rain by the way, and he hated the feeling of wet fabric suck to his body.

If his memory served right...its rumored that the mayor, or 'The Lady In White' resides in the place where the plants are bright. That probably means she lives surrounded by healthy looking plants.

Once He got to the house of the mayor, He pounded on the door 4 times.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before long, a woman in a silk, white lace accented night gown. It carefully hugged her buxom figure. She looked like she was in her early 20s, but knowing her profession she was probably in her 30s. Her hair was white as snow, her skin was also fair and very clear, not any acne, not even any wrinkles. Her eyes a very light color too, it was hard to tell if they were white or simply a very light icy blue. Her glare made Kryptos feel disgustingly comforted.

"May I help you? Or Are you going to keep staring?" The Mayor tilted her head. "Allow me to introduce myself, Im Kryptos Archery, and May I ask, what shall I refer to you by, Madame?" Kryptos extended his hand for her to shake. "Call me Ms.FleckMyClet...Come inside, dear." Ms.FleckMyClet smiled and let Krytpos in. He nodded and walked inside.

The House was pretty big but still had a very cozy vibe to it. Mostly everything in it was white and delicate. It was even bigger on the inside than it was from the outside.

"Would you like something to drink? I can put the kettle on if you'd like." Ms.FleckMyClet smiled and gently grasped Kryptos' arm and lead him to the dinner room and sat him down at the table. "I'd appreciate that greatly, Do you have black tea?" Kryptos looked at her with a soft glare. "Mhm, Is that the flavor you'd like?" Ms.FleckMyClet smiled. "...Yeah.." Kryptos smiled back.

Krytpos watched the womans hips sway as she walked around her mainly white kitchen, He looked away quickly enough though, he didn't want her to think he was some kind of pervert. She soon enough served two cups of black tea in pure white cups then took a seat across from Kryptos. "So, What brings you in at this time of night?" Ms.FleckMyClet tilted her head and sighed. "I wanted to talk to you about that abandoned building, Yknow the one that stands where Xiono hospital used to?" Kryptos spoke. "Mhm?" Ms.FleckMyClet put her cup to her plush pink lips and took a slow drink of her tea. "I'd like to own that property and turn it into a house." Kryptos spoke in a genuine tone. "Hm..I can make that happen, but I'll need you to sign a few contracts." Ms.FleckMyClet stood up and motioned for Kryptos to follow her.

She lead Kryptos into her office and bent down near the filing cabinet. She quickly skimmed through the files, the quickly pulled out some papers and handed it to Kryptos. He lightly skimmed them and signed his name onto them once he knew what he was getting into then handed them back to Ms.FleckMyClet. "Thank you Madame." Kryptos smiled at her. "You're welcome, Now its getting late, you should probably run along and get some sleep." She softly yawned. Kryptos nodded and thanked her before leaving.

Once he got back to Sora and Aros, He immediately ushered for them to follow him, He wasn't going to let them stay there afterall, not if he was willing to give up the chance to use them. He even carried Aros over his shoulder to give Sora little break.

He soon brought the two to a hotel, one by the name of 'Serenity Resorts' which was owned by some corporation named 'Fierella'. He let the two into the room and left them with one of the room keys.

"We'll stay here for a few weeks, okay? You two will be fine, right?" Kryptos asked them, they both nodded and agreed. "Alright, Im gunna go for a run to the pharmacy, You two better stay out of trouble." Kryptos spoke before heading out again, leaving the two alone with nothing but the hotel room and eachother.

"He seems nice.." Aros coughed and trembled. "So? He's still a stranger, He could be a killer or a rapist for all we know." Sora huffed. "Well, Yeah...but what if hes not? I mean, He's letting us stay with him and he's tryna tend to my wounds!" Aros tried to reason with his sister. "Whatever, Hes probably just waiting for his chance to turn on us.." Sora rolled her pale eyes. "Hm...Hey Sora whats on tv?" Aros changed the subject. "I dunno...Wanna check?" Sora raised an eyebrow. "Sure." Aros groaned as he reached for the remote, just for Sora to pass it to him. He then began to scroll through the channels to find anything to watch, which was easy because absolutely any and everything could entertain his little pea-brain as long as it had cool sounds or pretty colors.

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