Strong Cores, Stronger Bonds

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August 30th, 6:20 AM.

Ashe had hardly gotten a wink of sleep last night. They were too busy reading that Imphedia book and doing extensive research.

This woman Imphedia was born years ago, around five hundred years ago. She was a baby born out of wedlock. Her mother was an heir to a throne, which would have made her a long lost princess. Her name was Iridesca. Her father, well, everyone seems to have their own story about who he was. Some say he was a crude thug that abducted and violated her, and Imphedia was a result of the assault. Some say he was a misunderstood miscreant, and Iridesca truly fell in love with him, but Iridesca's parents, The King Kano and The Queen Raja didn't approve of their relationship. Some people doubt there was a father involved at all and Imphedia was the result of a 'Virgin Mary' situation. No one knows one hundred percent sure how Imphedia was conceived but, They all knew her story.

Imphedia grew up as a rambunctious child. She was wild and fought to be as free as she could, but she truly did have a kind heart of pure gold deep down, though on the outside, She wasn't afraid to bend a few rules for the greater good. She began to steal from the rich and give to the poor, but her deeds extend beyond that. She would often take many children under her wing and raise them as her own. She would teach them how to steal, fight, lie, etc. Though she made sure to tell them to use their gifts wisely. She was a pretty badass woman as well. She would take orders if they were truly for the best, but if she saw anything unjustifiable, She'd to a stop to it herself.

It was also rumored that Imphedia had a lesbian lover, though no one knows who she is or if she truly exist.

Ashe yawned as they looked out the window and saw the sun finally beginning to rise. "Well shit..." Ashe groaned out while stretching before getting out of bed, wearing only a pair of boxers and hoodie from yesterday. Ashe then got up from the comfort of their bed and walked into the bathroom of the shared dorm. The lights in Juno's room were obviously lit up so he had to have been up, which isn't unusual for Juno. Ashe decided to take a quick shower and brush their teeth to get atleast a good head start on the day. Usually Ashe would have slept in but, it would be easy to risk over sleeping with their current lack of sleep, even with an alarm.

Ashe finished their shower after about 10-15 minutes, and stepped out. Assuming Juno was still in his room doing whatever, Ashe walked out in nothing but their towel wrapped around their body before walking into the kitchen. Luckily, Juno really was still in his room, so Ashe wouldn't have to worry about nothing. Ashe softly hummed while opening the fridge door and looking through what all was in there. As Ashe wondered what quick breakfast they could possibly make for themself, and possibly Juno, They felt an odd fleshy being brush against their ankle.

"GYAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" Ashe loudly screamed and jumped, immediately looking back to see the creature that brushed against them was a big-eyed pink sphinx cat. It had zero fur on its body and its skin was wrinkly. It was one of those creatures that were ugly in a cute way, like a squishy-face pug. Alarmed by Ashe's scream, Juno rushed into the kitchen, immediately letting out a sigh of relief as he picked up the cat, before harshly reprimanding Ashe. "Quit yelling like a rabid monkey, Tuweii! You startled Bingùs!" Juno huffed. "Bingus startled me, fuck-nigga!" Ashe rolled their eyes, ignoring the unnecessary accent on Bingùs. "It's pronounced Bingùs! Why are you naked, Don't you have any self-respect!?" Juno scoffed. "Ehh, Get off my dick...If I really had no self respect, I'd do...this!" Ashe's mask grew a mischievous smile across it as they slowly bent over with their rear facing Juno, their towel slowly riding up. "STOP!" Juno shouted and closed his eyes, as well as Bingùs's. "Are you hungry? I'm in the mood to cook breakfast." Ashe asked, they had gotten used to Juno's rudeness, either that or they simply stopped caring. "I can cook my own meals, Thank you." Juno rolled his eyes again. "I hope that meal doesn't involve Bingus." Ashe chuckled. "Woooooow." Juno rolled his eyes, the corners of his mouth almost curling to a faint grin. He was so close to laughing at Ashe's antics. "Alrighty, Whatever you say." Ashe shrugged while taking out the egg carton and a small bowl and cutting board, as well as some cooking utensils. "What are you making?" Juno asked, for...not really any specific reason. "Just some omelets for me and Bingus, That nigga is skin and bones, Are you feeding him properly?" Ashe scoffed a bit while breaking open three eggs and dumping the insides of two into one bowl and one into another. "Cats can eat eggs?" Juno raised an eyebrow while rubbing Bingus's fleshy head. "Yeah, most animals eat eggs...My dog Joe-Joe loves 'em." Ashe chuckled again while they chopped up some carrots, peppers, and spinach, then adding velveta cheese before stirring up the ingredients in the bowls. "Joe-Joe? You named your dog Joe-Joe?" Juno seemed a bit shocked. "Yeah? Why is that so suprising?" Ashe looked back at Juno while stirring, suprisingly they had their mask on, though they were still wearing only a towel. "I didn't expect you off all people to give a dog a...normal name." Juno shrugged. "I didn't give him the name, It was the name he came with, we wanted to change it but we didn't wanna confuse the little guy, yknow?" Ashe said as they poured the contents of the bowls into seperate frying pans. "Hmm....Do you plan on getting dressed anytime soon? We have Rosenknight's class today." Juno asked. "Yeah Yeah, Later..Man I really am not looking forward to this class." Ashe sighed. "Okay, but if you don't complete this class, you don't graduate." Juno spoke. The two had a small conversation as they got ready for the class, their phones both occasionally buzzing with messages from the groupchat talking about how brutal Rosenknight was during detention and how badly they hope that his regular classes are less harsh than his punishments.

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