Chapter 16

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We sit in silence, covered by shadows, scheming a way out of this. Half the night has passed and right now I have nothing. It is quite hard to plan event ruining when you have never been present at an event like this before. Everything we do will be done from an assumption, which will likely end badly, but I can't think of any situation that could be possibly worse than the one we are in. There's nothing that can be planned, there is no worse outcome, only better. So for now, I'll have what could be my last sleep.

I wake up to a blinding light spilling in from a crack in the wall and the sound of footsteps steadily approaching.

Ready or not, here we go.

Two guards throw open the door and grab me, I don't resist, the others see my actions and repeat, trusting my plan, one that is non-existent. I'm going to work with what I've got.  It is our only chance now. 


The blazing light of the sun hits my face as we burst through the doors and the guards push us down the street. Crowds have gathered on either side of the road, watching us with disgust-filled faces and angry frowns.

This is it. I grin.

We are pushed and left onto a heavily guarded wooden platform where the crowd gathers around us, mingling, but their eyes never leaving the stage. Stage, that is what this is a stage, where all the lights are on us, throw us where the world can see and put on a good show, teach them how you want them to be taught, then they follow you, only knowing part of a story. It's a corrupted kingdom lead by a corrupted king.

A series of cheers erupt when the king arrives at the scene. How could you praise someone like that? I would never.

"ROYAL ROGUES. ROYAL ROGUES" I start a counter chant which no one hears. The king steps on the stage beside us and raises a hand, everyone drops silent. Everyone except me. 

"ROYAL ROGUES. ROYAL ROGUES" I continue, the king's head snaps around to face me, he scowls, I don't stop, I keep repeating the same phrase over and over again. My pack joins in, I add a foot stamp and the king's rage grows. He orders his guards to stop us, but this time I don't comply. The stage descends into chaos, with my pack rushing around avoiding the guards chasing us. It lasts until more guards come in and finally restrain us. They line us up and throw us onto out knees, then who I assume is the executioner appears, but bears no weapon. They wear all black and have a hood up, leaving their identity hidden. The mysterious figure approaches me first and wrap their large hands around my neck. This is the perfect way to die, I sarcastically think. 

For a moment, just a moment, I give up, but realisation hits me, I'm not dying today. For all my life I've been running away from my problems, following rules to keep me safe, hiding in the dark. That was my past, it was my present and was my future. Then everything changed and now it is only my past and now my present decides my future. I give up, there is not future, they win, and I loose. 

And I never loose.

At least not without a fight. 

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