Chapter 12

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After a few minutes of running, we manage to lead the border patrol further away from Kaia. But we're then cut off by a second patrol group. 

"Why are you on our land?" One of them demands in a gruff voice.

"I'll do the talking" Rowan tells us. 

"So?" The gruff voice questions.

"We ran the wrong way" Rowan calmly answers. They laugh.

"You think we'd believe that?" another one of the pipes in.

"I'll handle this" I sigh to Rowan, I turn to face the patrol, "Doesn't matter what I say, so let's get this over, let's go"  I add. They all stop laughing and focus on me, before leading towards the pack house.

The same grey-bricked house appears, the patrol leads us in. We wait in the entrance corridor, surrounded by guards. Then a familiar young girl bounces in. Tina.

"Why would you bring her here?" she spits.

"She's a rouge" one of them replies, it sounding more of a question of how she knew me.

"Still mad at that?" I ask with a grin. Tina huffs in response as she glares at us. Her pettiness is disrupted from with a loud crash, followed by Match being dragged in by some other patrol guards. I choke down a breath of air and attempt to act like everything is fine. Luckily, no one noticed me as they were all distracted by Match who is still giving the guards a rather difficult time.

"Match." I grab his attention, "What happened? Where's Kaia?" I ask.

"She should be safe, I did what was necessary, no matter the cost" he informs, bring some comfort to the situation, but not much.

"So my little sister is running around fending for herself?" Rowan asks the concern dripping in his voice. 

"Well this is going great" Kyle whispers sarcastically. 

For a while we stand there, the boys carrying out their usual bickering. During this time, I observe that two guards are mind linking and then one heads off to the direction of Alfa Jason's office.

I didn't think things could get worse. My only problem was how to escape. How many times can you break and Alfa?

Then a scream cut through the air and a panicked Kaia comes rushing in and hides behind me. Now nothing could be worse. 

"What part of run as far away requires you to do the exact opposite?" I snap.

"The part where I wasn't going to make it anyway" She meekly smiles.

"Now what? We're going have to deal with a female in heat" Kyle groans.

"Heat?" Kaia questions. 

"I thought you gave her the mate talk?" Rowan gives me a questioning look.

"I did..." I trail off, "I'll finish it here" I grab Kaia by the arm and drag her away from the crowd. Kaia's expression is written with worry and fear.

"You see heat happens when you meet your mate" I take a deep breath, "After he marks you, about two weeks later you'll go into heat. It's to speed up the mating process. Basically makes you in pain, which is only cured by contact with your mate"

For a moment Kaia is dumbstruck in horror, before snapping out of it and acting like nothing happened. "It's fine. I don't want a mate" she shrugs. The realisation hits her.

"Is this... " she trails off, she doesn't have to finish for me to know that she's asking if this is where her mate lives. I hesitantly nod.

"And you're sure?" she asks.

"Haven't you sniffed the air yet?" I reply, Kaia shake her head, before miming 'I don't want to'. All I can do is give her a sympathetic smile. 

'So what do we do now?' Rowan asks through the mind link.

'We escape' I vaguely answer.

'Do you have a plan?'  Rowan grins.


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