Chapter 14

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Waiting for people who could be in fatal danger is very unpleasant to say the least. We've been waiting at least an hour and a half and they haven't arrived yet. I know it would be hard for them not to be alright, but I'm still on edge. 

"How are you so calm?" Kaia huffs. Right... she still doesn't know, I guess now could be an alright time. There are worse ways to find out a family secret.

"I'm not, just better at hiding emotions. And I know what you don't" I sigh.

"And what is that?" Kaia folds her arms and raises an eyebrow.

"Our family secret" I reply, Kaia only looks more intently at me, "I know they'll be okay because Hunter is very skilled and alongside Rowan, they won't fail."

"So? What's the secret?" Kaia asks.

"Ever wondered why we can mind link anyone? Or why I was able to win against my mate - a very dangerous rogue?" I counter, she slowly shakes her head, "Well, it's because of our bloodline, the same reason we're wanted dead, we have Royal blood. There are no other Royal rogues. We're the last ones left." Kaia stays silent, processing and doubting my words, but she finds enough trust to believe me.

"Why did you never tell me?" She whispers.

"How do you tell someone who is already afraid of world that there is so much more to fear?" I answer.

"I'm not scared of the world" Kaia complains.

"Not anymore. Not even close" I smile before we fall into a comfortable silence.

The six guys tumble into the clearing and join us, slightly out of breath. We don't say anything - nothing needs to be mentioned, we all know. It's time for the next part of the plan. 

We all set of in the right direction, first thing is first, getting to the outskirts. Then we'll have the more tricky part. Breaking in.


We reach the outskirts and instantly everything seems wrong. This should be harder. A lot harder. Or is this a trick? We carefully tread onwards, breaking out of the forest. Before me is the town from earlier, everything the same, not even more guards after our 'attack' - something isn't right.

Quickly and silently we rush through the town and towards the castle. Our destination. If this goes right we have a future, if not we're dead. Only now, I am unsure of how well it is going, usually it is easy to tell how well a plan is going.

When the castle appears in view we stop running and assess the surroundings. No guards come rushing to stop us intruders, no one comes at all. We stalk a little closer and the sounds of battle cries pierces my ears, the smell of blood overwhelms my nose. Someone is here, other rogues. This changes things. 

'Scout the grounds. Kaia, Rowan search the castle with me'  I mind link. The five boys split into two groups which sprint off in opposite directions. 

Me, Kaia and Rowan stand alone now, surrounded by death and suffering. We stand at the bottom of the stone steps of the castle. I signal with my hand to walk to follow me. I walk up the steps, being careful of where I step, then I open the grand entrance doors. Inside, the elegant castle, isn't so fancy, tapestries and paintings are ripped and burnt, the smell of smoke still lingering in the air. Everything else in the room is destroyed too. Whoever is here wants revenge. The revenge only satisfied with blood. 

Who's blood... I can guess that.


Rowan's searching the upper floors with bedrooms and offices, while Kaia's checking the kitchen and dining rooms. I'm going to the throne room.  

The throne room is a nice looking room with fancy marble arched columns which line the walls. At the head of the room, on a platform, sit three golden thrones that overlook the entire room. I entre the room from the right side of the thrones. A horrified Royal is curled up on the steps leading to the throne platform. The rogue, who I instantly recognise as my mate is approaching the injured Royal, going in for the kill.

Thoughts swirl through my mind, flying in and out, trying to come up with a good plan. But there are too many ideas and so little time.

Actually, there is no time, that's why I'm going to do the first thing I can think of.

This is going to end one way. 

And there's only one way to do that.

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