9. [ weather ]

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chapter 9

[  weather ]

for the next few days, ethan hadn't gone to school. apparently, somewhere deep down inside of ethan were some very good acting abilites. all it really took was a few crying in pain from his injuries that didn't hurt that bad at all. he was quite pleased with himself.

jasper on the other hand was not as pleased. considering ethan was already failing quite a few classes, jasper didn't really appreciate ethan skipping school on purpose since it would only make his grades worse. so jasper took it upon himself to hand deliver homework straight to ethan's house. not only that, he made sure ethan had completed all his homework by watching over him while he did it.

it really made ethan wish he had just decided to go to school instead of the torture jasper had put him through.

and the one day ethan decided to actually go back, the weather decides to be all nice for once. to say the least, he was not thrilled. he was also not thrilled by the fact that now he had to wear leather gloves in this weather which would surely only make him around 10 times hotter than everyone else.

ethan rocked up to school in his shorts and a tank top, finally ditching the shoulder brace that he never wanted to wear in the first place, in an attempt to cool himself in this hot weather. but the gloves really weren't helping his case. he had considered just taking them off for the day; god knows what could possibly happen if he did that considering ethan was most certainly not one with luck.

shortly after arriving, he saw bella along with her two friends who he recognised as angela and... jasmine? jaime? something beginning with j, that's for sure. he approached them with a long sigh as he pushed his way past sweaty teens which was not a pleasant experience. and clearly, many of these teens had never heard of hygiene before which was like the icing on top of the cake.

"the one day, the one fucking day i decide to go back to school, we have a fucking heatwave." ethan complained in a loud tone of annoyance, plopping himself down next to angela with a groan. "ethan? oh my god! are you okay? i noticed you were off for a few days, i was wondering where you went!" angela spoke with her usual soft gentle tone. oh, how ethan loved this girl.

"yeah, yeah... i'm okay. didn't feel like going to school, i mean, i never do, but... yeah. what's up, jerry?" ethan looked at the other girl who was busy soaking in the sun. she slowly turned to him with furrowed brows and a harsh tone as she spoke, "my name's not jerry, it's jessica." she snapped at him.

"same shit." ethan shrugged, not really caring, like, at all.

"he's not here." jessica suddenly piped up once more, ethan furrowing his brows. ethan went to say something before realising she wasn't even speaking to him. thank god he didn't say something, that's one of the most embarrassing things a human could do in ethan's opinion - answering someone when they weren't even speaking to you, but to someone else.

"whenever the weather's nice the cullens disappear," jessica informed bella who was previously looking at their surroundings, apparently searching for edward, ethan assumed. so not only were the cullens extremely pale, they avoided the sunlight too? it's like the universe just wants ethan to figure it out, because right now, he is finding new strange stuff about them every single day - ethan was loving it.

"what, do they just ditch?" bella questioned, playing around with an apple in her hands as she converted her gaze to the girl ethan had already forgotten the name of. "no, um, dr and mrs cullen yank them out to go hiking and camping and stuff. tried that out on my parents, not even close." the girl stated, still allowing her skin to soak in the beaming hot sun.

let's get real here, there's no way that's the case. although ethan can say they do have some pretty good parents, there's no way that's the reason they don't attend school on a hot sunny day. there's got to be a deeper reason behind it; ethan was sure of it.

"oh my god, ethan, did i tell you i'm going to the prom with eric?" angela quickly questioned the jaylin boy who turned his head to her in a small amount of amusement. "no, you did not." ethan said, a grin playing on his lips which was a clear sign he was happy for the girl.

angela had already informed ethan about her small crush on the boy, and ethan was pleased to see that she was going to prom with him. he felt happy for her, after all, angela really was a sweetheart so how could anyone say no anyways?

"yeah, i asked him, i took control." the girl said, a huge smile on her lips as she spoke softly but with a huge hint of happiness and excitement. "and it paid off. i mean, how could he say no to you anyways?" ethan said, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he continued to grin at the girl.

"are you sure you have to leave town when it's prom?" angela turned her attention to bella. ethan wasn't aware this was happening and in all honesty, ethan just assumed she was going to the prom with edward or something.

"wait, you're not going to be here for prom? i mean, it's not like i'm going, not a fucking chance." ethan said, his tone showing some disgust as he thought about the dance. ethan was never one with formal dances such as prom and if you don't have someone to go with, why even bother going? it made no sense to him.

"yeah, it's a family thing." bella shrugged it off, clearly not that bothered by the fact she was going to miss prom. "hey, what's up with those gloves still? it's boiling hot, there's no need for them." jessica piped up, looking down at ethan's gloves.

"you do realise skin conditions don't just go away because the weather changes, right?" ethan questioned, attitude in his tone but quite frankly, he didn't care - or at least not when it came to her. "right," she scoffed lightly at his attitude before turning away, "i think we should go shopping in port angeles before all the good dresses get cleaned out." the girl spoke, her words obviously not directed to anyone but angela considering she was the only other one there who was actually going. and it's not like ethan would wear a dress anyways.

the bell rang signalling it was time for class as students began making their way into the building, ethan was just glad to be getting out of the heat; he was not glad that now he would have to be suffocated in the stench of unhygienic teens in a classroom.

"port angeles? mind if i tag along?" bella questioned, hope in her tone that they would allow her to go along, despite the fact she wouldn't actually be shopping for a dress. "yeah, i need your opinion." angela responded, seemingly glad that bella was now joining them. "ethan, you should come along too, i think it will be nice to have a guys opinion." angela said, the same hope in her voice that bella previously had as she invited the boy.

jessica didn't seem too happy with angelas invitation, so, of course, he had to say yes. "sure, i'll definitely be there." ethan grinned, and he appeared happy with the invitation but he really couldn't be bothered to go. but what he was happy about was the fact that he not only made angela very happy, but he made jessica unhappy.

alex speaks

uhh.... hi?? it's been a while... new chapters coming soon??

don't be a silent reader!
word count: 1340

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