7. [ pretty boy ]

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chapter 7

[ pretty boy ]

ethans plan was to stay home, i mean, he had a valid reason too. after the conversation ethan had with carlisle, he realised how suspicious he sounded especially when talking about his gloves. carlisle knew he didn't have a skin condition, and he was definitely going to tell jasper that.

however, the sound of his mother bursting through his bedroom door screaming to get up so 'a boy downstairs' won't be late to school woke up him. his head was obviously still in pain as well as his shoulder and whoever the boy was, he was the reason why ethan had to go to school the day and once ethan saw the boy, he was going to give him a piece of his mind.

ethan didn't have long to get ready, not that he ever took long anyways. he slipped on a long-sleeved black shirt as well as a dark grey shirt on top as he noticed how extra cold it was today. he quickly put on his pants and finished off the rest of his look.

he stepped over piles of clothes and whatever stuff was on his floor, which he had already managed to make messy, so he could get to his mirror and quickly apply his dark eyeliner which made his eyes look extra dark today.

he quickly slid on his gloves as well as put on the black sling, grabbing his bag and skateboard he rushed out of his room. "god, why do i have to go to school?" ethan groaned as he ran down the stairs which he probably shouldn't do due to his concussion.

"i know! he's always been strange." he heard his mother laugh from their kitchen talking to whoever as ethan grabbed his shoes from near the door. "or, just ignore me. that works too." he talked to himself, sliding on his shoes with ease.

"hey, whoever that mother fucker is who is the reason why i'm going to school, i'm going to fucki-" he began threatening as he walked into the kitchen. however, he completely stopped in his tracks as he noticed the jasper hale standing in his kitchen along with the rest of his family.

"jasper?" ethan questioned out loud, his brows raising as his pitch went up slightly. "ethan, you never told us you had such funny friends!" his dad laughed from his seat at their small table, his face was red from all the laughing he had been doing.

"wait, were you talking shit about me?" ethan asked with a look of realisation, his eyes scanning everyone's faces.

"no, of course not."

"of course we were, why else would we be laughing?"

"yeah, your friend is funny."

ethan didn't say anything, he looked at each one of his family with a look of fake hurt covering his features. "wow, that's low." ethan said with a hint of sadness in his tone, but not enough to make it believable.

"you'll live." his dad rolled his eyes, picking up the white mug that sat across from him on the kitchen table and taking a small sip. "you better go now, hun. you don't want to be late." his mother spoke in a gentle tone as she began walking out of the kitchen and to the front door.

"i'm concussed, why the fuck am i going? i feel pain." ethan exaggerated as he pointed to his arm that sat, surprisingly, comfortably in the shoulder sling. it was true, he did feel pain. not as strong as he was making it out to be but nonetheless it was still pain.

however, it didn't last long. a sudden wave of something washed through his body, completely destroying the pain that was there. was it odd? fuck yeah. i mean, it's not possible to go from being in pain to randomly not being in any at all in the span of seconds, is it? maybe, maybe not.

but ethan didn't care enough to question it as long as there was no more pain.

"we're going on that field trip, remember?" jasper spoke up causing ethan to quickly glance over to the blonde boy. "uh, yeah, duh. 'course i remember," ethan told him. however, despite usually being a very good liar, it was clear to everyone he did not remember.

"liar." jasper taunted with a small smirk. god, that smirk.

"fuck off." the jaylin boy spoke, going to hit the boy on his shoulder before realising his arm was still in the sling. "language in front of your brother," joyce told her eldest son with a stern look, tilting her head to the side where her youngest was standing not too far away from them.

"nothing he hasn't heard before." ethan shrugged his shoulder as a small grin made its way onto his face. "sometimes i just wish i could staple your mouth shut." his mother told him with narrowed eyes as ethan heard his dad stiffle a laugh from behind.

"why the fuck are you laughing? i know the kind of shit you say in front of him when mom's not around, i'm not the only one." ethan turned back around to face his dad whose grin seemed to drop as he got called out.

to the left of him, ethan heard jasper let out a small chuckle. if ethan were alone right now, he wouldn't hesitate to start fangirling over it. however, that wasn't the case meaning he had to pretend like he didn't hear it.

"excuse me?" joyce turned her attention to chris who began opening and closing his mouth like a fish as he tried to figure out what to say. "i- uh... uhm- he- he's lying. you" was all he managed to come back with.

joyce took this opportunity to stomp over to the taller man and slap him on the shoulder as she started yelling at him and how he should know better than to not curse in front of their child. however, noah had never been more unfazed.

considering he had grown up with ethan as a brother, cursing wasn't big to him at all; his mother would disagree with that but, it is what it is, right?

"go get ready for work. your first day and you're going to be late, god." joyce rolled her eyes as she pushed chris out of the kitchen, not sparing a second glance at him as he walked out.

"i hate you for this." chris mumbled at ethan as he walked past him with a scowl, only causing ethan to smirk. "looks like my job here is done." ethan said with a proud nod before turning back to look at jasper.

"c'mon, pretty boy, let's go." ethan opened the door for jasper who walked out with a cheesy grin smacked onto his face.

"you've got a very... chaotic family." jasper told the boy as he looked back at him as they walked side by side to the blonde's car. "don't i know it, pretty boy." ethan laughed as he looked at jasper.

"pretty boy, huh?" jasper hummed.

"very pretty."

alex speaks

woah it's been a hot minute since i've updated and i know this is kind of shit but its better than nothing 🤞

i wanna try and be more active with this book so i will try my best

don't be a silent reader !
word count : 1201

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐀𝐆 , jasper hale .Where stories live. Discover now