3. [ cullens ]

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chapter 3

[ cullens ]


1. BAD REPUTATION - joan jett.
2. OLEANDER - mother mother.
3. PUNK TACTICS - joey valence & brae.

ethans favourite part of the day had now arrived. lunchtime. he had just collected his food which now sat happily on his tray as he scanned the area looking for somewhere to sit. "hey, ethan!" a very familiar and squeaky voice yelled, his head turned in that direction and his eyes sadly landed on jessica.

how fucking great.

she was waving her arm, motioning for the boy to join her and her small group of friends. beats sitting alone, the jaylin boy thought. he took a deep breath and made his way over to the table, ignoring how everyone's eyes were on him.

"hey, ethan." jessicas flirty voice filled his ears, he lowered his tray onto the table beside bella along with his skateboard but onto the floor, "hey jessica..." he said slowly, nodding his head awkwardly as he finally lowered his body on the seat beside bella.

the swan girl and jaylin boy had been getting along pretty well. they shared a few of their classes together which ethan very much enjoyed. the day had been pretty good so far. he had managed to have a few conversations with people, it was mostly people asking why he was wearing gloves, though.

the two people that really stuck out in his mind, however, were two very beautiful people. it wasn't their looks that made him remember them, although it did definitely help; it was their small conversation which stuck in his head.

1 HOUR AGO ...

ethan jaylin entered his fourth lesson of the day. he had spanish. why he was even put into this class he had no idea; he sucked at learning any language, and no matter how hard he would try to learn it they would never stick.

it was no surprise that all eyes fell onto him. it happened every time he would walk into a class therefore he had already gotten used to it. his eyes scanned the room, for the most part, it was full. there were some seats around the room either beside people or by themselves which were empty and he could only hope to be put in one of the seats to which no one sat next to.

"ah! you must be the new student. ethan, is it?" a velvet-like voice spoke, ethan turned his head to see a woman speaking to him. she was obviously the teacher; she had a lovely set of green eyes and her lips were nice and pink. her jaw structure was sharp but suited her well. her hair was blonde and held a few curls which sat graciously on her shoulders, she looked to be in her thirties.

"that's me." ethan sighed, his grip growing tighter on his skateboard along with his black backpack which was slung over one shoulder. "well, don't you seem happy to be here." she joked, it surprised ethan that a teacher working at this place could hold some sort of humour.

ethan smiled slightly as he nodded his head confidently, "i am just thrilled." the unnamed teacher noticed his gloves, and already knowing what she was going to say he spoke. "i have a skin condition."

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐁𝐀𝐆 , jasper hale .Where stories live. Discover now