
816 33 4

017, FIFTY

"Mind sharing what you're whispering about?" Ymir asked, her mischievous grin mirroring Historia's playful giggle.

Jean nodded, wiggling his eyebrows and wearing a smirk that practically signaled to everyone in the room that he was about to say something absurd. "Judging by the look on Y/N's face, I'm pretty sure he told her he wants to fuc-"

His words were cut off as Mikasa who was sitting on the couch behind his stuck her foot out, kicking him in the back of the head. He lurched foreward, but regained his balance quickly, shooting her something between a glare and an apologetic smile. 

I pressed my lips together, inching away from Eren as much as possible, although we were still practically on top of each other. 

Why did I sit here again?

The tension in the room began to dissipate as we exchanged glances, some of us struggling to contain our laughter. It was one of those moments when the group dynamic shifted from lighthearted banter to a temporary hush, occasionally interrupted by stifled chuckles.

"Uh, anyways..." I started, attempting to break the awkward silence. "What was the prize money for the race?" I expected 3k at most. It was unlikely that there were that many funds placed in this race in the first place and three thousand wasn't a small amount. 

Mikasa now held a fresh bottle of tequila in her hands, taking a quick swig and swallowing before replying. "Fifty grand, but half of it goes to Eren since you wrecked his car."

I cringed internally as I saw Eren's eye twitch. He'd probably loved  that car more than anything else, making it abundantly clear from the beginning. The fact that I had wrecked it probably hurt him even more than the whole traitor ordeal.

Sasha, with her mouth full of food, quickly chimed in. "Hey babe since you get around seven thousand, wanna treat me to some foo-"

"seven thousand?" I cut her off, glancing at Eren, who had a faint smile on his lips. "I get seven thousand just for driving?"

"Driving in an illegal street race," Connie snorted. "But yeah, the first-place cash prize is usually around thirty grand, but your attempt at being a badass and crashing the car to stop Annie sorta fucked that up."

"Oh," I muttered, feeling my face flush. "Wait, that's like a lifetime supply of chicken nuggets, holy fuck."

Eren groaned. "Y/N, is chicken nuggets all you ever think about?"

I scoffed. "No, what? I think about plenty of other things, like—" You. But I wasn't about to say that. Eren and I were just friends, and there was absolutely nothing more going on between us.

I cleared my throat, trying to shake off the awkward tension that had settled in the room. "Well, aside from chicken nuggets, I also think about... uh, world peace and math homework or some shit like that."

Armin, who had been quietly observing the exchange, couldn't hold back his laughter any longer. "Y/N, I've known you for like a year, and I can safely say that chicken nuggets have always been the only thing you think about."

Laughter erupted from the group, lightening the atmosphere and melting away the residual unease. It was a relief to be back in the realm of playful banter and camaraderie.

As the laughter subsided, I turned my attention back to the topic at hand. "But seriously, Eren, I'm sorry about your car. I didn't mean for things to go south like that."

Eren shrugged, his smile turning slightly sheepish. "It's fine, Y/N. The car isn't half as important as you. And you stopping Annie was huge."

A chorus of agreements echoed through the room, accompanied by nods and approving glances. The reminder of our shared victory brought a sense of accomplishment, overshadowing any material loss.

"God it's fucking 4 already." Connie grumbled as he pushed him self off the floor, stumbling slightly. "I gotta get home my ma's gonna kill me if I'm not home when she's up."

Connie waved everyone a quick goodbye, ruffling Sasha's hair before stumbling out of the apartment. Sasha was quick to follow muttering something about driving his drunk ass home and soon enough it was only Mikasa, Armin, Eren and I left. 

Armin has begun to dooze off and Eren was quickly typing away on his phone as usual leaving Mikasa and I in a comfrotable silence. 

She stared out of the window, his short black hair beggining to fall out of the messy ponytail she had thrown it into. She was wearing a thin black tanks that hugged her curves and I couldn't pull my eyes off her. She was insanely attractive. 

My throughs quickly wandered off towards the little I knew about her and Eren's relationship. They had known each other since they were young and had what seemed to be some kind of unspoken unbreakble trust between them, practically like siblings- but even then I couldn't quite believe that that's all they felt for each other. 

A tiny part of me wanted to ignore it like everyone else probably did but I caught the way they looked at each other. It couldn't be just 15 years of plain friendship when you look as good as they do. 

"I'm gonna head out." Eren said abbruptly, causing me to break my train of thoughts to look at him. He was still staring at his phone a small smirk on his lips as he stood up from the couch not even sparing a glance at me. 

"Alright let me just grab my stuff-"  I started when he finally looked up from his phone and met my eyes, confused. 

His smirk fell and was quickly replaced with a smug look. "Who said you were coming with me." 

My brows furrow as I stood up quickly, looking up at him with a glare. "Don't be a dick Eren, you need to drop me off at my place." 

"Get one of em to do it." He jutted his head towards Mikasa and a now awake Armin, who were staring at us with worried expressions. 

I snorted. "You know their both drunk- your the only one who isn't- so I'd appreciate it if you did me a solid and drop me off back home."

He stared down at me, his smug smile

"I'll be in the car."


I slammed the door shut and glared at Eren who was smiling at his phone. The twinge of jealousy that had been simmering in the pit of my stomach had erupted into a furious boil that was getting harder and harder to ignore. 

"Who the fuck are you texting?" I finally said, and he looked up at me with the same smug smirk.

"Why do you wanna know? You jealous?" His green eyes met mine, , swallowing me up whole as he stared at me with a newfound intensity that made me throb in places that I shouldn't be.

I gritted my teeth, not wanting to admit it. "Yeah. Very." My pride deflated as the words left my mouth and his smirk turned into a dimpled smile.

His eyes flickered to my lips before meeting my gaze again. "It's my mom. She's at my place right now." 

My eyes widened and my hands flew up to cover my face, embarrassment settling in as quick as the jealousy left. "Oh." I mumbled, my hands dropping from my face, but I refused to meet his eyes. 

"Don't be so embarrassed love, I like it when your jealous." 

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Why's that?"

He pressed the ignition and the engine roared to life, and if I hadn't been listening I'm sure I would have missed what he said. "It's nice to see you feel what I do." 

Eren Jaeger just admitted to being jealous about me.

That changes a lot.

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