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016, HIS

Note: I think I'm gonna switch to writing in first person rather than second just cause I'm much more comfortable in it :) sorry if this bothers anyone but uh.. Yeah.

I can't breathe.

My heart beat roars deafeningly in my ears as I gasp for air, my hands shooting up to my neck clawing at the invisible force refraining me from surviving. Terror grips my chest, squeezing tighter with each passing second. Panic floods my senses, amplifying the desperation coursing through my veins. In a haze of fear, I stumble backward, desperately searching for an escape, for any shred of relief from this suffocating grip.

My surroundings blur into a chaotic symphony of blurred colours and indistinct shapes. The world spins around me, a dizzying whirlwind of disorientation. I feel disconnected, trapped within the confines of my own body, as if I am an outsider observing a terrifying nightmare.

Every gasp for air becomes a desperate plea, a silent scream that echoes within the confines of my mind. I long for the sweet release of oxygen to flood my lungs, to feel the life-giving force that sustains me. But with each attempt, the invisible barrier resists, mocking my feeble struggle.

In a last-ditch effort, I collapse to the ground, my body convulsing with the sheer effort to survive. A flood of thoughts, regrets, and unfulfilled dreams rushes through my consciousness. Life's fragility becomes painfully evident in this heart-wrenching moment, as I teeter on the precipice between existence and oblivion.

"This is all your fault." Someone whispers in my ear as I fall onto my side, feeling my body shrivelling up like a dying flower. Tears begin to leave my eyes as my ears ring loudly.

It takes every fibre of my being to glance at the individual and when I do my gasping halts. I feel my body completely shut down.

She stares at me, a sly smile on her lips as she watches me struggle. Her blonde hair is dishevelled, blood leaking from her forehead onto the rest of her face. Crimson drops fall from her mouth onto the ground as she laughs maniacally, her bright blue eyes staring right into mine, piercing my soul.

This is what true fear feels like. This is what it is like to be completely helpless, a stupid lamb finally being caught by the big bad wolf.

My vision begins to blur as the lack of oxygen finally catches up with me and within seconds I am completely numb. The ringing in my ears has ceased and I am left all alone in the dark with the laughter of the girl I killed.


The room is dimly lit, casting eerie shadows on the walls. My heart races in my chest, pounding against my ribcage as if desperate to break free. I struggle to catch my breath, gasping for air as panic courses through my veins. The realisation of what I've done, the weight of my actions, engulfs me in a suffocating embrace.

As I slowly regain my senses, her laugh echoes in my mind, tormenting me with its haunting melody. It intertwines with my racing thoughts, amplifying the fear that claws at the edges of my sanity. The darkness around me feels palpable, as if it feeds off my terror, thriving on my vulnerability.

A large cool hand is placed onto my face and I am brought back to reality. Eren sits on the edge of the bed, the shadows of his face contorted with concern. His eyes, usually filled with determination, now betray an unmistakable softness.


"Breath my love. Your Okay. I'm Here." Eren's voice, laced with a mixture of relief and worry, cuts through the suffocating fear that had consumed me. The touch of his hand against my face brings a semblance of comfort, grounding me in the present moment.

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