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013, TRUST

The darkness of night had already overtaken you when you reached your dorm, quietly shutting the door closed behind you. Jean had offered to drop you off at home as Eren was busy trying to figure out a solution to the situation at hand, and you were grateful to him. You hadn't been home in almost 48 hours, and Hitch had tried to reach out a handful of times, worried out of her mind.

"Y/N!" Hitch shouted as you walked into the shared living space.

A sheepish smile painted itself onto your lips. "Hi." You mumbled feeling guilty for leaving her alone for as long as you had.

She walked over and quickly embraced you in a tight hug and just as quickly pulled away, her eyes wide with concern. "I was so worried when you didn't come home! And Jean kept telling me not to worry and he told me you were safe but I just couldn't believe it-"

You quickly hushed her and let out a small chuckle. "I'm completely fine Hitch. Just really fucking tired." You assured her, rubbing your eyes tiredly.

Hitch nodded and stepped out of your way, allowing you to walk towards your room.

You took a quick shower and changed out of Eren's clothes into some of your own. And before you knew it, your face hit your pillow and you were out cold.


Your phone buzzed loudly, and you let out a groan, reaching over for it. With your eyes closed, you picked up and pressed it to your ear.

"Hello?" You mumbled groggily, pulling the blankets closer to your body in an attempt to retain warmth.

What time was it?

"You sound awful princess." Eren mused on the other end of the line, you could practically see the grin on his face.

You rolled your eyes, snuggling into your pillows. "It's like two in the fucking morning Eren of course I sound awful."

"Two in the morning? Y/N it's six in the evening."

You bolted upright in bed, suddenly wide awake. "What? No way, that can't be right." You pulled your phone away from your ear to check the time, and sure enough, Eren was right. It was already dark outside. "How did I sleep through the whole day?"

Eren chuckled. "You haven't been sleeping well for the past few days- it finally caught up to you I guess."

You groaned, rubbing at your eyes. "I thought I could just run from sleep forever- become like a vampire or some shit."

"Yeah sorry to burst your bubble princess but vampires don't exist." He cleared his throat, yelling at someone to shut up before continuing. "Anyways be ready in ten."

You furrowed your brows, blinking sluggishly. "For what-" You stopped yourself midsentence, realization hitting you like a truck.

The Race. Fuck. Shit. That's today.

"Okay yeah, I'll be out in ten." You mumbled, shutting your phone off before he could get another word in.

As you stumbled out of bed getting ready in a hurry, you couldn't believe you had forgotten about the race. It was probably the biggest event of the year and with how shitty everything was going for Eren and the others, you needed to be on your A-game.

And yet here you were, your stomach in knots, trying not to throw up as you rushed out of your dorm.

Eren was already parked outside of the building, his windows rolled down. His car's engine hummed calmly as you spotted him staring off absent-mindedly. He looked just as nervous as you did, and you couldn't decide if that was a relief or if it made you even more anxious.

You could practically feel the pressure wading off of Eren as you climbed into the passenger seat, shooting him a half-hearted smile. "I think I'm gonna piss myself."

Eren chuckled darkly, as he shifted the gear into drive and began to race towards the outskirts of the city. "You wouldn't be the first."

You raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Mind telling me who my evil twin is?"


Silence overtook the car as you stared at Eren, your jaw slack. A choked laugh escaped your throat causing him to glare at you but you burst out into laughter.

"There is no fucking way Eren." You managed, your eyes brimming with tears of joy.

You caught him frowning slightly, probably regretting telling you. "Stop laughing y/n," Eren mumbled, the tips of his ears turning a bright red.

His eyes wouldn't meet yours, instead, they stayed fixated on the road ahead. You sobered up quickly, sensing that Eren was embarrassed by his confession.

"Hey, Eren," you spoke softly, trying to ease the tension in the car. "It's okay. I mean, we all have our moments of weakness, right?"

Eren shrugged, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "Shut up. I was seven." He grumbled, but a small smile had found its way onto his face again.

Not caring to ask why he was driving at seven, your own lips quirked up into a smile as you pulled into the space behind the Warehouse. The two of you stepped out of the car and walked towards the doors. People were already crowded around all over the vicinity, excitement buzzing through the air.

Eren didn't grab your hand or wrap an arm around your waist like he normally did. Instead he trailed closely behind you, letting the spotlight along with everyone's eyes focus on you.

Armin had informed you that for publicity, increasing the amount of bets being placed, and overall ticket sales, it had been advertised that you would be the one competing in this race. And apparently, people were excited to see someone new- especially a girl- because as soon as you entered the upstairs office everyone smiled at you like crazy.

"Dude you won't fucking believe how much people are betting on you!" Sasha yelled, pulling you into a tight hug. "It must be because you beat out Eren during the last race- people literally love you."

You felt the knots in your stomach begin to loosen as everyone crowded around you, offering their support. But the knots returned in an instant when Hange clears their throat.

"I think it's great that we've got this much money- but whose y/n's passenger?" Hange asked, an eyebrow raised.

You swallowed hard. Under official regulations, it could either be someone on the support team or a driver who was not participating in this race. From what you remembered, Jean was driving with Connie, Mikasa with Sasha, Ymir with Historia. And while it seemed like the obvious choice was Eren, he said that he had a plan.

Trust him.

"I'm planning on staying back with Armin to make sure the premise is safe." Eren informed her, his eyes meeting mine for a brief second.

"I'll do it." You whipped your head around towards the direction of the voice and immediately felt a sense of dread was over you. Annie stood up from the couch and walked over to the door, glancing back at you briefly. "You comin?"

You cleared your throat quickly. "Yeah give me a sec." You glanced back at Eren who nodded at you, his expression neutral.

Everything was playing out exactly as Armin had expected. Now it was your turn to play your cards right and do exactly what you needed too.


lol its been 2 months !

but uh here. *hands you a nicely wrapped piece of shit*

anyways... i hate math and physics! 

ily guys tho THANKY OU FOR 5K READS???


- star

word count: 1258

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