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The engine roared with life as Eren pushed down harder on the gas pedal, his brows furrowed as he switched lanes with ease. He hadn't said a word since the two of you had left his apartment ten minutes ago, but you had an idea where he was taking you.

You stole a glance at Eren's determined expression and the way his knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. You knew that, look - it was the same one he got before he did something reckless or impulsive.

You leaned back into your seat, staring out the window. Sure enough, the roads began to become more and more familiar, and before you knew it Eren put the car into park right behind the warehouse where all of this had began.

Wordlessly, Eren stepped out of the car and you were quick to follow. The cold November air blew harshly against the bare skin of your arms, causing you to shiver involuntarily. The two of you made your way towards the building, the door slightly ajar. Eren walked in front of you and stepped inside, the darkness swallowing him whole. You licked your lips nervously, staring into the void, hoping his eyes would meet yours, but they didn't.

Refusing to let the situation get the worst of you, you stepped into the dark and almost immediately you felt someones hand wrap around your forearm. Their lips brushed against your ears, and you almost cringed away before they began to speak. "Stay close."

Your eyes had begun to adjust to the darkness and your eyes quickly found Mikasa's. Her silver eyes almost seemed to glow, her lips pressed into a tight line. Her grips loosened and her arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to her.

"What's going on? Where's Eren." You mumbled as she began to lead you deeper into the darkness, keeping close to the walls.

"The power went out. Hange and Armin are up on the balcony trying to get it back, Eren should be up there with them."

Your stomach began to knot, your lips quivering slightly as you asked the question that had been weighing on you since you had stepped into the warehouse. "We're not the only one's in here are we?"

"You catch on quick." She replied, a hint of amusement dripping off her words.

You swallowed hard, your mind racing with all the possibilities of what could be lurking in the darkness. The sound of your own heart beating loudly in your ears was the only thing you could hear. Mikasa's grip tightened around you as she led you up a flight of stairs, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence.

As you reached the top of the stairs, you could hear the muffled voices of Hange and Armin. Mikasa led you towards them, and as you stepped into the dimly lit room, you saw Eren hunched over a laptop, his fingers flying across the keys.

"What's going on?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.

"The power's out." Armin said, looking up from his own laptop. "But we've managed to tap into the backup generator, so we're not completely in the dark."

"Does anyone know why the power's out?" you asked, your mind still reeling.

Hange shook her head. "No idea. But we're not the only ones affected. I've been hearing reports from our other locations."

Suddenly, the sound of an engine roaring outside caught your attention. You looked out the window and saw a car speeding towards the warehouse, its headlights piercing through the darkness. You could hear the screech of the tires as the car skidded to a stop outside.

Without a word, Eren was on his feet, his eyes fixed on the door. Mikasa stood up next to him, and you followed suit, your heart pounding in your chest.

The door creaked open slowly, and in the glow of the headlights, you could see the silhouette of a figure stepping out of the car. As the figure walked towards the warehouse, you could see the glint of a steel pipe in their hand.

It was then that you realized that the power outage was the least of your problems. The real danger was standing right in front of you, and you were completely unprepared.

Your breath hitched as Eren nudged you back so that you we're standing behind him.

"Stay up here and wait." He nodded his head towards Mikasa, signaling for her to follow him.

"Wait hold on you guys aren't seriously thinking about going down there, right? I mean it's just the two of you and there's probably thirty something of them. And you guys aren't even armed what if you get hurt- I mean it's not even a what if at this point it's a for sure-" Eren's hand landed on your mouth, muffling your protests.

His green eyes glistened in the low lights, somehow seeming calmer then ever. "Don't worry about us. Just stay up here and sit tight." His hand dropped from your mouth and reached to his side. The dim lights reflected off the cool metal of a pistol, and you suddenly felt stupid for assuming the Eren wouldn't be prepared for something like this.

Giving you a small nod of reassurance, Eren's silhouette disappeared into the dark.

Minutes seemed to pass before gun fire began. The sound of bullets ricocheted off the walls, echoing through the building like a deadly symphony. You couldn't help but shake with fear as you imagined the worst possible scenarios. What if they didn't come back?

The sound of Armin gasping cut through the violence, causing you to dart your eyes towards him. "What's wrong?"

Eyes wide, Armin motioned for you to come towards him. Your eyes landed on his screen and you were quick to realize that it was security footage from the incident last night. The camera was angled so that you could see the door of the building as well as the pile of bricks where you and Eren had been hiding.

As the clip continued to play, two figures stepped out of the warehouse and you felt your breath hitch at the sight of their faces. You looked over at Armin, who was paler then usual, and Hange, who's usual bright expression had been replaced with a serious one.




AHAHHA, i love keeping you in the dark (get it cause the warehouse was all dark...) 

alright anyways i love this chapter so much sidkjnsdfhjf

ily guys thank you SO SO SO much for 2.4k views and also im #6 out of 6.8k on #aotfanfic 😭


- star <3

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