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The sound of the intruders engines soon disappeared into the night and when you were completely sure you could no longer hear them, your body relaxed against Eren's. He let out a soft sigh, burying his head in your shoulder. You could feel your face become heated as his warm breath tickled the skin on the base of your neck. 

"Eren? Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice, that could only belong to Armin, call out frantically. Eren finally seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was stuck in and unravelled himself from you, standing up himself before helping you up.  

As you brushed the dirt off of your legs ,Armin seemed to have spotted the two of you and dashed over, his eye brows knit together. "What happened?" He asked, his ocean blue eyes darting anxiously between the two of you. 

Eren stayed quiet for a moment, as if he was thinking about how to reply. "Nothing. It was a false alarm." His voice was steady, despite the fact that you noticed his hand shaking ever so slightly.

Your brows furrowed in confusion. As you opened your mouth to speak, Eren shot you a look that could only be described as 'trust me'. To your knowledge, Armin didn't seem to catch on and simply nodded curtly before heading back to the building where Jean and Mikasa were searching, leaving you and Eren alone.

Once Armin was finally out of earshot, you turned to Eren who was already looking at you. A small smile was placed on his full lips and his cheeks were slightly flushed from the cold. "Why did you lie to him?" You questioned in a hush voice, crossing your arms across your chest.

He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. You caught his smile flatter for a second. "I had my reasons." 

You leaned forward so your faces were now much closer together. "And what exactly were those reasons sweetheart." 

Eren raised and eyebrow at you, a small smile on his lips. "Are you seriously playing bad cop with me right now?"

"No." A scoff escaped your lips. "I'm just confused. I thought Armin was your best friend... why would you lie to him?

No matter how you thought about it, Eren lying to Armin simply never made sense. And it was rather counter productive considering that Armin was the lead strategist meaning that leaving out details no matter how small or insignificant they may look could cause great error. 

Eren took a step towards you, reaching his hand out. You felt the air escape your lungs as his hand can in contact with your cheek. As his thumb lightly rubbed the skin on your cheek, you felt your already flushed face turn redder. His hand fell back to his side a moment later and he flashed you a heart stopping smile. "There was some dirt on you." 

"Thanks-" You muttered, using your sleeve to rub your cheek slightly but stopped half way, suddenly remembering the rather one sided conversation the two of you were having moments before. Suppressing the butterflies in your stomach, your lips formed a thin line. "Answer my question Eren- and don't you dare try to change the subject again."

This time instead of replying, Eren simply grabbed your your wrist and began to practically drag you towards the general direction of his car.

You looked back at Mikasa, Jean and Armin who looked back at you with confusion written all over their faces. Shooting them an apologetic smile, you began to pick up your pace in order to keep up with Eren. 

"Slow down Eren- You're hurting me." You cried out softly, causing him to stop abruptly. And just like he had done once before, he snaked his hand onto your waist pulling him into you. He lowered his head, his lips brushing against your ear causing you too shiver slightly. 

"Were being watched. Stay quiet and keep walking." The hairs on your arms stood up at the sound of his voice which had lowered a whole octave. 

The usually flirty and playful Eren was quickly replaced with a serious and monotone one. Your body tensed against his as you walked robotically towards his car, your fight or flight instincts yelling a thousand different things at you. 

Eren rubbed his thumb against your back in slow circular motions, as if he could feel the anxiety seeping out of you. Cautiously you ripped your eyes off of the ground and glanced at your surroundings and while the dark night allowed you too see nothing, you could feel the eyes of a stranger following your every move. 

An eternity had seemed to pass before Eren opened the passenger side door and gently nudged you into your seat, fastening your seatbelt for you before slamming the door shut. He made his way over to his own side and took a seat, not bothering to put on his own seatbelt as he put the car into drive, going from 0 to 120 in light speed.

You watched as Eren easily drove with own hand, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his phone, tossing it into your lap. 

"The passwords 0210. Text Mikasa the number '32'." He said, clenching and unclenching his jaw as he took a sharp right turn. 

Not taking time to question the reason you quickly type in his password and open up his messages sending Mikasa the number. She immediately sees it and not even a second later Eren's phone begins to ring, the name Erwin appearing onto the screen. You briefly remember Levi mentioning it and quickly pick up. 

Putting the phone onto speaker you prop your arm up on the padding of the tunnel console. 

"Erwin I need you to get everyone out of our district now." Eren spoke, his tone urgent and booming. 

You hear Erwin scoff on the other end. "Eren I don't even know what's going on- how can I do that?" Erwin's voice was deep and just as commanding as Levi's. 

Eren let out a frustrated sigh as he ran a red light. "Damn it Erwin- just trust me." 

Apparently that was all it took for Erwin to agree, "Alright I'll get it done. Where are you heading right now?"

"My place."



first chapter I've written since my return LMAOO

it sorta sucks ass but alr ig 


- star <3

Word count: 1103

LIGHT SPEED | Eren JaegerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora