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My face still stung from his palm as I struggled with my bonds behind my back again. My wrists were already raw from the ropes.

"That's real cute, did your mommy teach you that?" I grimaced. He was still going easy on me; I'd seen people that Crowley had worked over and it wasn't pretty.

He turned around and walked towards the wall I was facing. Then he wheeled around quickly and punched me.

"You want me to get rough? I will if you make me..." He put his hands on my shoulders just a little too gently, then recoiled. "Just tell me why you broke in here, Annie, answer a few questions and this will be over. You don't even have to remember this conversation."

I was in the process of wiping the blood from my split lip onto the fabric on my shoulder, but what he said seemed truly funny. A snigger, a giggle, and finally a laugh escaped despite my attempts to stifle them.

"What's the joke? I like to laugh as much as the next demon." He scowled, pacing like a cat.

I took a few hyperventilating breaths to stop laughing and mumbled. He glared and I nodded for him to come closer.

"I'll give you a chance to figure it out." I let my lips brush against his ear as I spoke. "Here's your first hint," I took a deep breath as if to continue and bit down on his ear until I tasted blood. He pushed me and my chair over and retreated to the front of the grungy room.

Confused, I opened my mouth to ask why I was on the floor, but a shooting pain in my lip stopped me. I yelped and looked at my surroundings, then I saw blood on my white shirt.

"Is that my blood? That's my blood! Why is that my blood?!" I shouted. The last I remembered Crowley had been threatening me, and I had been about to tell him something. He hadn't hit me once, but I was bleeding. Right?

"Very funny." He spat and left the room. After I realized he wasn't coming back for some time, I went through a list of songs I had memorized just for this purpose. I went through 'Let it go,' 'You Can't Hurry Love,' and 'U Can't Touch This,' and so on. This went on for what could have been 20 minutes or an hour.

"Stop! In the name of love! Before you break my heart!" I was singing off-key in the hope that someone was being forced to watch me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize walking through a door was so hurtful." Crowley remarked bitterly. He must have some serious mommy issues.

I pushed myself up and looked at him between my knees, nearly twisting my wrists in the process.

"What's a gal gotta do to get a good look at her captor around here?" I huffed. That's it, when I get out of here I'm doing push-ups every day. If I had just taken Sam's advice and done some extra training, I wouldn't be in this mess. He was quiet so I shouted again, "C'mon, I want to see your pretty face!" I waited a second, "I'll start singing again if you don't fix my chair."

I heard a sigh and footsteps. A few moments later he was roughly setting me upright.

"Thanks. Do you want to explain? The blood, the chair..." I stopped talking because his face was red with rage.

"Explain? How about you explain this!" He turned his head and pointed at dried blood on the side of his face.

"Are those... Bite marks? You need get a new lover, your girl needs a less violent kink." He didn't say anything, but glared. "Wait... I did that?"

His eyes widened and he spat, "Yes! I didn't enjoy it, just in case you were wondering."

I started laughing again and he silenced me by pulling a knife out of his coat pocket. I was starting to come off the shock high. I shivered, but tried to act like I was still fine.

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