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"Good morning." Jess smiled while sliding in his seat. He reached over to fix the heater and changed the radio station.

Isaac smiled. "Good morning."

"Daisy loves you." Jess said and his eyes watched Isaac with fondness.

"As she should." Isaac leaned over to kiss him. "I love her brother."

Jess smiled. "Really? Because, I heard a rumor that he loves you."

"Oh yeah?" Isaac kissed him again. "That's nice to hear."

Jess hummed as they pulled away. Isaac started driving and Jess slipped his hand into Isaac's palm. He intertwined their fingers and ran his thumb over Jess's palm.

Jess rolled his head on the headrest and looked at Isaac with a cheeky smile. "We're turning into a very cheesey couple, you realize that?"

Isaac tilted his head back slightly and let out a laugh. He squeezed Jess's hand. "That's alright though, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Jess smiled down at their intertwined hands. "That's alright."

The rest of the short ride to school was light. When they got there they fell into routine. Isaac followed Jess to his locker where they would meet up with Tally and Mason. Andrew joined them half the time, the other half being with Ki.

Ki came up and talked to Zack in between classes but he seemed to know not to overstep the boundaries of Isaac's newly set friend group. He would approach the group on occasion but not always.

Jess liked it that way. He liked Tally and Mason because they were low key and chilled out. Ki seemed anything but that. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, just not Jess's thing.

Isaac knew Jess felt like that too. He could see it in the boy's expressions and in the way Jess's shoulders were relaxed around Tally and Mason but not so much around Ki. He wanted his boy comfortable over anything else. So, he hung out with Ki in between classes and after school.

"Zack!" Ki ran up to their group for the first time since he apologized. He ran so fast he bumped into the boy from behind and wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulders.

Isaac smiled. "What's up man?" Then it slipped a little when he saw Ki's wide eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Vic got a boyfriend." He said, slightly out of breath. Isaac felt his eyes go wide too.

"A what?! She can't have a boyfriend."

Ki raised his arms up, taking a little step back. "That's what I said!"

"Who is this boy?" Isaac raised his brows. "When did you find out?"

"This morning." Ki let out a sigh and shook his head. "She told us at breakfast. Dad says she's too young to date and Mom says we gotta meet him."

"Damn right we gotta meet him. I'm gonna break his knees."

"Yes!" Ki grinned. "This is exactly why I came to you."

"Who's Vic?"

The boys that got caught up planning assault and maybe murder together turned to look at Tally. Jess was smiling at them, more so Isaac, softly. Mason had his eyebrows raised like he was only half surprised.

"My little sister." Ki said. "She's twelve, that's too young to have a boyfriend right?"

Tally shrugged. "I wouldn't know."

"Yes, it's far too young to have a boyfriend. Didn't we tell her she's not allowed to date until she's twenty-five?" Isaac looked at Ki for confirmation. The boy nodded.

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