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[Small warning here]
There are brief mentions of what could be a triggering topic such as physical and sexual abuse. (I know you're panicking but it's not as bad as it sounds, both our boys are perfectly fine.) I do not go into detail at all and the topics are only briefly mentioned but if you are sensitive to these topics please tread carefully here.

Zack was sitting on the bench trying to tie his shoes as quickly as possible. The bell was ringing in a minute and he wanted to be at his car when Jess got there.

"Hey, Zack, why are you in a such a hurry?" Jace looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I got plans." Isaac gave him a little smile.

"Oooh, is our boy going on a date?" Ki came over with a smile. "Who's the lucky girl?"

"It's not" a girl. "a date."

"Sure~" Jace wiggled his eyebrows. "Have fun."

"But not too much fun." Ki winked.

Zack rolled his eyes and swung his bag over his shoulder. He stood up and walked past his cooing friends, going straight for the door. He had to walk through the school and leave by the back entrance before walking down to the student parking lot.

When he made it there Jess was leaning against his car. The black haired boy smiled a little as he approached. "Hey."

"Hey. Sorry, have you been waiting long?"

"Nah." Jess shook his head. Isaac unlocked the car and they both got in.

As Zack started driving off Jess messed with the radio. He seemed to find a song he liked because he stopped messing with it soon after. Zack smiled to himself when he heard Jess start quietly singing along.

They eventually made it down to main street where a local ice cream shop was. Jess looked over with a quirked brow so Zack explained, "I thought we might want an ice cream or something."

"I wish you would've told me, I could've brought some money." Zack could tell by the look on his face he felt guilty.

"Don't worry about it, I'll pay."

"You bought me dinner that one time." Jess said, shaking his head.

"That was my choice." Isaac said with a little smile. "Don't feel bad, if I didn't want to spend any money on you I wouldn't have taken you here."

Jess let out a sigh and shook his head. "Fine. I'll pay you back."

"Nah, I'm not worried about it." Zack said and Jess ignored him.

They went through the drive through and got a vanilla frozen yogurt cone for Jess and a chocolate shake for Zack. They went back onto the road and started driving again.

Eventually they wound up at the park again and Zack threw it in park. He took a drink out of his shake and turned to look at Jess. The boy was still eating his ice cream cone. When he felt the eyes on him he looked up and gave Isaac a small smile.

"Thanks, this is good."

"Yeah, no problem." Zack smiled back and they sat without saying anything else. The radio was still playing on Jess's station and he was finishing his ice cream cone.

"So, why exactly did you want to come here?" Jess looked over, wiping his lips with a tissue to make sure he didn't have any ice cream on his face.

Zack shrugged. "I thought it might be fun. We can go walking through the woods, maybe climb a few trees?"

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