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Isaac played on his phone until he went to sleep too, making sure to plug in his phone before passing out. They were both woke up by his alarm at six. Jess groaned and rolled over, stuffing his head in a pillow, and Isaac felt a wave of guilt while shutting the noise off.

"Sorry, I wake up early to go on a run and shower before school." Isaac's voice sounded awake except for the slightly more deep tone.

Jess groaned again at his words. When he spoke his voice was muffled a little by the pillow. "You stupid athlete."

Isaac chuckled and ran a hand down the boy's back. He didn't think about the action it just felt like something he should do. "Go back to sleep, I'll wake you up when it's closer to time to go."

"Fine. I'm still mad at you." Jess grumbled and Zack laughed again.

"Fair enough." He got up and grabbed a pair of socks before leaving his room. He pulled on his socks and put on his shoes as well before walking out the door.

He made a loop around the neighborhood and 25 minutes later he was walking back inside, more sweaty than before. He walked down the hall and tried to catch his breath as he went. When he made it to his room he tried to be as quiet as possible as he walked in.

He grabbed clothes, getting school clothes a shirt and a pair of jeans, before leaving again. He went to the bathroom and shut the door behind him so he could shower.

After a shower he took his time drying off and putting on his clothes. Once dressed, Zack made his way to the kitchen. He wasn't a big breakfast person but he always ate something. Today, like most days, he made a piece of toast. After eating and downing a glass of orange juice he went back to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Once everything was done he crept back into his room and checked the time. 7:35 They had 30 minutes before first bell and it only took eight to get to school. Zack decided he might as well wake up Jess since he didn't know how long the boy would need to get ready.

"Hey, Jess." He gripped Jess's shoulder and gently shook. The boy groaned, but didn't move. "C'mon, we got school."

Jess finally moved, rolling over and blinking sleepily at Zack. "What time is it?"

"Seven thirty-five."

Jess huffed in annoyance while sitting up. His hair had different strands sticking up in certain places and Isaac had to bury the urge to reach over and fix them. Jess yawned and reached his arm up to fix the tussle of hair by running his hand threw it a couple times.

His hair fell back into shape, looking in that half messy flop it usually had. He turned to face Isaac. "Can I borrow this shirt for today? I'll give it back tomorrow."

"Yeah, you're good."

Jess nodded. "Cool." He then stood up and stretched. "Do you have a spare toothbrush I could borrow?"

"We should." Zack stood up and Jess followed him into the bathroom. In one of the drawers under the sink Zack found a spare and then left Jess on his own.

Jess didn't take long to get ready and he borrowed a phone charger from Zack before leaving. Once they got in the car he plugged in the car charger and started charging his phone. "It's at 50% so with this it should be able to make it through today."

"Alright." Isaac nodded. "You ready to go?"

"I'm never ready to go, but I have to." Jess sighed dramatically and Zack smiled a little to himself.

He put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway, then they were off on the way to school. Jess bounced his legs and played with his fingers the whole drive and it made Zack wonder. Was school that bad for him? He did say he got stressed out easily when it comes to people.

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