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Zack genuinely wanted to laugh. He had just been turning the corner when he had to stop because of a boy about to bump into him. When he looked down it was Jess.

He let a small chuckle bubble out of his throat as Jess was looking up at him. "You've got a habit of almost hitting me, don't you?"

Jess looked slightly confused for half a second before a small smile hit his face as well. It was tiny but it was there. "Sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

"That's alright."

"Where are you going? The cafeteria is that way." Jess stated the obvious and pointed to the direction he had been going, indirectly pointing at Isaac's abdomen.

"Yeah, I gotta turn in a paper to Mr Logger." He paused for a moment. "Do you wanna tag along?"

Jess looked confused. As if he couldn't fathom why Isaac would want him to come along. Zack didn't understand his confusion. Was it weird to invite someone to walk with you?

"I guess." Jess decided Isaac would probably be more interesting than Alice talking about her favorite video game for the tenth thousandth time.

Jess walked next to Isaac and the two stuck near the wall so there was less of a chance of being trampled. Jess every now and then again would press closer to Isaac because of a kid bumping into him. Zack didn't mind.

They made it to Mr. Logger's classroom and found the man sitting at his desk eating. The old man looked up and smiled. His face held years of age but you could tell just by looking at him that he was a nice guy.

"Oh, Zack, have you got that assignment?"

"Yes sir. I found it halfdone in my book. Guess I forgot to do it as homework and didn't realize I never finished it."

Isaac sat his backpack done and pulled out a piece of notebook paper. He handed it to the man who accepted it with a smile.

"I knew something like that must've happened. You always turn in your work." The man's eyes flashed over to the raven haired boy and his grin seemed to brighten. "Jess, it's good to see you two together. You're too friendly to only have friends from the football team."

Isaac chuckled. If only you knew.

After some small conversation about how Isaac needed to keep up with his work and his grades wouldn't slip. Zack was grateful for the advice. The two made it out of the class not too long after but the hallways were empty by now.

"He's kind of right, y'know." Jess speaking made Isaac look over. "About you being too friendly to just hangout with people from football. Why do you just surround yourself with those jerks anyway?"

"Those aren't the only people I surround myself with, and they're not all jerks." Isaac defended his friends but it didn't feel all true. He really was only friends with other athletes and most of them could come off as jerks sometimes.

"Name other friends you have that don't play a sport." There was a small second of a pause. "Not counting me."

Isaac grinned wide. Jess considered him a friend. Then he frowned when the bubbly feeling wore off and he realized the question at hand. A few names popped up but really thinking about it he wasn't sure if they would count. They might not consider him a friend but rather just an acquaintance. There was only a moment of silence before Jess stopped walking and turned to look at him in the middle of the corridor.

"See? You can't even deny it. You only have sporty friends, but you seem pretty outgoing. Why?"

"Well it's not because I don't want to be friends with anyone else. I just... I never know how to approach other people. I don't know what to talk about with them, it's really just a bunch of guessing and then I feel awkward. With these guys I've known them for awhile and I know I always have a topic to fall back on, it's an added bonus that usually they do all the talking."

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